Sponsorship & Marketing Opportunities

Exclusive IEC Sponsorship Opportunities

Any available sponsorship opportunities will be posted here as soon as possible. 

2020 Exclusive Sponsors:
  • AirBoss Rubber Solutions
  • Parker/LORD
  • Hexpol Compounding
  • HollyFrontier
  • Lianda
Interested in becoming an International Elastomer Conference Sponsor?
Contact Gretchen Cermak, Marketing & Communications Director, at
gc@rubber.org or 330-595-5540.

Sponsorship & Marketing Policies: Payment is due immediately in order to secure the opportunity. Rubber Division, ACS reserves the right to change or withdraw any of these opportunities or benefits within the opportunities at any time and without prior notice. 


Available to Company Showcase participants only.

E-blast - $2,500
Have an email sent to registered attendees about your company or any specific messaging you prefer on a date of your choosing. Content and any images for the email is provided to Rubber Division, ACS and an email proof is created for review. Only a limited number of these opportunities are available. Email send dates are secured on a first come, first served basis. 


IEC Guide Advertising
Click here to view the advertising opportunities in our IEC Show Guide. The IEC Guide is primary reference piece for attendees at IEC. It will be provided electronically to all attendees and features things such as the schedule of events, full Technical Meeting schedule and information, full Educational Symposium schedule, Company Showcase list, networking opportunities and additional information to help attendees easily navigate and make the most of our virtual IEC. 

IEC Daily Advertising
Click here to view the advertising opportunities in our IEC Show Dailies.
An IEC Daily publication will be sent electronically to all attendees on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of IEC, as well as hosted on Rubber World magazine's website. Each issue provides IEC information, Company Showcase list, IEC highlights and articles covering the top industry and Company Showcase participant's news. 

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