– July 29, 2020
Rubber Division, ACS is taking the 2020 International Elastomer Conference virtual – an experience we are excited to bring our great industry!
As ready and enthused as we were to put on a fantastic in-person International Elastomer Conference, given the number of still-unknown factors related to the containment of the coronavirus, and with our attendees and exhibitors coming from all over the country as well as internationally, it was determined that canceling the in-person event is the safest and most responsible action. The health and safety of all involved with the International Elastomer Conference ultimately outweighed any other considerations and guided our decision to convert the in-person conference planned for Knoxville, TN to a virtual event.
Rubber Division, ACS will be working with scheduled speakers, exhibitors, sponsors and industry partners to deliver a new and exciting IEC 2020 experience. We are in the process of finalizing our decision regarding the best platform for our new virtual IEC. We guarantee that virtual attendees can expect the same great content that we are known for delivering at our International Elastomer Conference. We are also excited about this new virtual platform bringing the International Elastomer Conference to many who were not going to be able to travel to Knoxville this year and to new people who haven’t been able to attend previously.
All information about our virtual International Elastomer Conference can be found on rubberiec.org once details are finalized. Rubber Division, ACS hopes that you, your families, co-workers and friends are safe and healthy.
Best regards,
Lakisha Miller-Barclay
Rubber Division, ACS
Executive Director & CEO