The NextGen Pavilion can be found depicted in GREEN on the expo floor map.
Criteria: To join the NextGen Pavilion, vendors must meet the following criteria. Applications for the
NextGen Pavilion will be accepted on a rolling basis.
- In business for less than 5 years
- Fewer than 3 full time employees
- First time exhibitor to MSA Forward
- Little to no national or global trade show experience
- Must be an MSA member in good standing
Exhibitor Kit: The cost to participate is $1200.
The exhibitor package will include:
- One 4 foot table and 1 chair
- Company name sign
- Listing in the MSA Forward app
- Pre/post show mentorship and guidance
- Access to MSA Forward education sessions/social events
NOTE: Limited number of spaces available.
(you will be required to log into google to access the google doc form)
NOTE: You MUST meet ALL criteria listed above to be considered. No exceptions.