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If you missed our informational Zoom call/Webinar on February 22.

You can view



Mar 20, 2024 04:00 PM Eastern Time

If you missed the call you can watch the recording HERE

Print or View the show Quick Facts from FREEMAN here: FACT SHEET




CLICK HERE to order Food & Beverages for Your Booth


Wednesday, March 6
Deadline to reserve advertising space in the Museum Store Association Conference & Expo Conference Guide

Friday, March 15
Deadline for submitting logos and artwork for advertising and sponsorships

Friday, March 15
Deadline to cancel exhibit booth space and receive a refund, if the booth is re-sold

Sunday, April 28
Deadline to submit Certificate of Insurance - email to:


Monday, April 15
Freeman warehouse begins accepting exhibitor shipments

Wednesday, April 17
Deadline to submit Freeman equipment orders to receive discounted rates

Monday, May 5
Deadline to mail auction items - Must be received by May 13 
Deadline to mail tote bag items - Must be received by May 13

Wednesday, May 8
Last day to ship to Freeman warehouse without a late fee

Friday, May 11
Deadline to register booth staff

Wednesday, May 15, 8 am
First day Freeman will accept shipments at the Baltimore Convention Center

Wednesday, May 15 – Thursday, May 16 / 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Exhibitor Move-in


All tote bag inserts MUST Arrive in Baltimore no later than - MONDAY, MAY 13.

Items must be small (8.5 x 11 or smaller) and lightweight (less than 8 ounces)  

Items MUST be shipped.  We can not wait for you to deliver onsite. 

To ship to Freeman Warehouse - Arriving Between April 15 and May 12 Use this LABEL


COI - DEADLINE Sunday, April 28
Deadline to submit Certificate of Insurance Send via email to:

Please add "COI and your company name" in the email subject line.

Request a certificate of liability insurance with the Museum Store Association & the Baltimore Convention Center Authority named for $1 M & give the agent the following addresses for each

MSA (Museum Store Association)
P.O. Box 3861
Greenwood Village, CO 80155

Baltimore Convention Center 1 W Pratt Street
Baltimore, MD 21201

MSA FORWARD is taking place at the Baltimore Convention Center, located at 1 W Pratt Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201.

All MSA education sessions, ticketed workshops, and the Expo Hall (Hall C) are located near the corner of Charles Street and Pratt Street. When available, specific room numbers for all events can be found online, on the app, and in the printed onsite conference guide.

There will be multiple educational excursions available around the Baltimore area. Participants will be able to choose from a full-day excursion visiting 2 museums OR two half-day excursions visiting 2 museums in the morning and/or 2 museums in the afternoon on Wednesday, May 15. A full-day excursion is yet TBD for Sunday, May 21.

The MSA NEXT Party on Wednesday night for those who identify as young or new professionals will take place offsite. More information on this is coming soon.  Other networking opportunities (MSA Friday Night Party, MSA Awards Luncheon, and Happy Hour Closing & Silent Auction) take place at the Baltimore Convention Center.

Find all the MSA Rules and Regulations HERE

Some items (electrical, water, internet) will need to be ordered directly from the Baltimore Convention Center.

HERE for a standard electrical order.


The attendee list will be sent to exhibitors on May 1, 2024.  
You can also view the Attendee List in the exhibitor service center and on the mobile app.

Vendor move-in in the Expo Hall takes place:
Wednesday, May 15, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Thursday, May 16, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm

The Expo Hall is open:
Friday, May 17, 10:30 am -5 pm
Saturday, May 18, 9:00 am-5:30 pm.

Vendor teardown/move out takes place:
Saturday, May 18 - AFTER 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Sunday, May 20, 8:00 am - 2:00 pm.

These two events are being held in the same convention center, and registered attendees of either conference are welcome to visit both MSA and AAM booths in the shared Expo Hall space. MSA FORWARD registered attendees may also attend the AAM General Session and keynote presentations at no added cost.