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Visit the EXPO
The 2024 Exposition will feature 200 business partners that provide services to the senior care profession! Grab your complimentary lunch and explore our valued exhibitors from a variety of areas, including:
- Architects
- Pharmacies and pharmaceutical manufacturers
- Financial service companies
- Builders
- Information technology providers
- Marketing service providers
- Food service companies
- Medical equipment and service providers
- Staffing agencies and many more!
EXPO Hall Hours
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 7 and Wednesday, May 8
Enjoy a complimentary lunch with exhibitors on both days.
Networking Reception with Exhibitors
One of our most popular events! Please join us for a fun-filled evening! Take advantage of the chance to catch up with colleagues with an adult beverage. Stop by to say hello to our sponsors and exhibitors while enjoying an array of hors d'oeuvres and desserts. This is a great opportunity to make new contacts and build your network. We look forward to seeing you!
This year's networking reception is sponsored by: