LeadingAge California Annual Awards
Awards Nominations Deadline Extended: March 8, 2024
The LeadingAge California Annual Awards Program honors those who have made a commitment to the field of aging services, who embody excellence in leadership, who are making outstanding contributions to their organization, communities, and the lives of those they serve. It’s about people, who put quality first, deliver excellence, and inspire others to do the same.
This year, we have seven awards to present:
- Business Partner of the Year Award
- Best Practice/Innovation of the Year Award
- DEI Leader Award
- Individual/Community Service Award
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Outstanding Mentor Award
- Resident of the Year Award
Awards will be presented Tuesday, May 14 during the Awards/Business Meeting Luncheon in conjunction with the BOLD Annual Conferecnce & EXPO at the Anaheim Marriott.
The deadline to submit nominations has been extended until March 8, 2024. Incomplete or nominations received after March 8, 2024, will not be considered.
Business Partner of the Year
The Business Partner award recognizes those who deeply contribute to LeadingAge California's mission by offering financial support, innovative ideas, and unwavering commitment to aging services and community members. This acknowledgment is extended to entities or individuals whose direct services significantly enhance the quality of life for older citizens or empower facilities to provide improved services that might otherwise be unattainable.
Nomination Form
Best Practice/Innovation of the Year Award
To be given to recognize a best practice/innovation that has the power to transform care and services as we know it. A best practice/innovation can include technology, care delivery, programming and life enrichment, support services, building design, workforce development, marketing, financial or other emerging trends.
Nomination Form
DEI Leader Award
This award recognizes senior/management-level professionals who are advocating for DEI and driving the DEI conversation forward within their organization and the broader industry. The individual may be championing DEI-related initiatives, events, or industry organizations, providing a strong voice in support of DEI issues within their team or firm-wide leadership, or providing guidance, visibility, and impact across a team or organization. A senior professional is defined as someone who has significant management responsibilities or is placed in a position of senior influence within their organization.
Nomination Form
Individual/Community Service Award
To be given to an individual member, or facility/organization.
- The facility/organization should meet the following criteria: Innovative and contain elements of outreach from community to facility and/or facility to community; Involve board, residents, and staff; Fulfill unmet needs in the target community.
- On an individual level, it recognizes a deserving individual for their longevity or tenure with their associated organization, as well as their commendable dedication to their work and company. This award also serves as a celebration of the company for retaining employees for long periods of time, therefore giving the company a good reputation. This award may be given to a LeadingAge California individual member or member facility/organization.
Lifetime Achievement Award
Recognizes a member who, during their lifetime, has made outstanding contributions to the field of aging services. An individual who has provided dedication to the organization at all levels over a sustained period of time. Additionally, this individual has demonstrated outstanding career achievement and significantly promoted the profession to the public and other healthcare professionals.
Nomination Form
Outstanding Mentor Award
To be given to recognize the outstanding efforts of an individual who has mentored a protege(s) in the not-for-profit senior services community. A mentor has nurtured, coached, counseled, and encouraged others in order to help them develop personally and professionally. Mentoring will have occurred while the individual was employed by a LeadingAge California member organization.
Nomination Form
Resident of the Year Award
The recipient will have helped to bring a resident perspective to LeadingAge California and/or helped to educate and inform residents about LeadingAge California. The quality of service and proficient use of talents should be considered as important as the number of hours/years served or offices held. Consideration will be based on: Service on the LeadingAge California Board of Directors, committees, or task forces; Participation in LeadingAge California activities such as region meetings, the RISE Policy Summit, and the Annual Conference; Engagement in activities to share LeadingAge California information with fellow residents through resident councils, committees, or community newsletters. To be presented annually to a resident of a member community to recognize ongoing service to LeadingAge California.
Nomination Form