Professional Development Hours

If you are interested in receiving Professional Development Hours (PDH) for time spent at the conference, please be prepared to:

  1. Have your IEIN number available for sign in and sign out. This can be found at

  2. Sign in and sign out each day of the conference you want PDH’s for. Please note: this is an ISBE requirement

    Providers must “maintain original documentation for completion of professional development activities” (105 ILCS 21B-45(i)(4)), “verify attendance at its professional development activities” (23 IAC §25.855(e)(1)), and “maintain attendance records for each event or activity it conducts for a period of not less than six years.” (23 IAC §25.855(e)(3).

    Daily attendance is required. Daily attendance must include the following data in a format of the provider’s choosing, i.e. paper or electronic:

    1. the name, date, and time of the activity, event, workshop, conference, etc.
    2. educator names and IEINs (Illinois Educator Identification Numbers)*
    3. educator arrival and departure times (in order to determine how many PD hours to grant the educator**)

    A daily attendance form will be emailed to all attendees at the end of each conference day. This form will be available through the end of the day Friday.

    Once the online evaluation form is submitted, an Evidence of Completion form will be sent to you via email. The sender will be; please add this address to your Contacts list and/or check your Spam folder if you do not see the email within 24 hours of submission.

    Attendees must complete a separate evaluation form for each day of the conference. As a reminder, attendees must:

    1. Provide their IEIN number for attendance and for the evaluation form
    2. Follow the sign-in / sign-out process for each day
    3. Complete a unique PDH evaluation form in order to receive hours for each day.

    Up to six (6) hours will be given for each full conference day.

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