The California Council for the Social Studies is excited to open our call for proposals and invitation for exhibitors and sponsors for the 64th annual conference. We are excited to host hundreds of presenters who will share their innovative ideas and instructional strategies that align with this year's theme: Change and Continuity in Social Studies: Navigating the Course.Our Exhibit Hall will also be a dynamic space with more than 60 exhibitors and sponsors sharing relevant materials that support social studies educators across the state.
The 64th annual conference provides the forum for educators navigating both cultural shifts and historical continuity, shaping critical literacy and civic leadership. It offers a platform for diverse voices-teachers, professors, and curriculum developers - to share interdisciplinary strategies, from art to digital media and AI literacy, empowering youth and promoting equity. Explore innovative teaching practices, including ethnic studies and the State Seal of Civic Engagement, and delve into transformative learning methods like youth participatory action research and restorative justice. Unite with CCSS to reimagine social studies education at #CCSS25, where collaboration and innovation pave the way for informed citizenship and deeper learning.
The California Council for the Social Studies thanks you for your interest in supporting our organization.
The Exhibit Hall is sold out, but please browse our guide for other Sponsorship opportunities.
We look forward to your participation at our 2025 Conference
Exhbitor Service Center