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Exhibitor List

California Council for the Social Studies invites you to visit the Exhibit Hall to see the many amazing resources available to you.

Exhibit Hall time:

Friday, March 7th - 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
                               9:00 AM - 10:00 AM - Dedicated Exhibit Hall Time
Saturday, March 8th -  10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
                                     10:00 AM - 11:00 AM - Dedicated Exhibit Hall Time
                                     12:20 PM - 1:30 PM - Raffle Drawings 

                    Coffee & Pastries will be available each morning first come/first serve.

Booth Company Name
302 Alliance for Constructive Ethnic Studies
TBD American Board of Trial Advocates, San Francisco Chapter
304 Asian American Curriculum Project, Inc.
202 Autry Museum of the American West
208 Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishers
100 California Council on Economic Education
106 California History Social Science Project
306 California Teachers Collaborative for Holocaust and Genocide Education
204 Chesapeake Press
101 Choices Program
113 Civic Education Center, Inc.
111 Close Up Foundation
313 Coalition for Empowered Education
209 Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
213 Comfort Women Action for Redress and Education
318 COMPASS @CA State Library
310 Diversity Schoolhouse
C Education First Explore America
116 Facing History & Ourselves
317 Foundation for Teaching Economics
112 Gale, a Cengage Company
218 Gibbs Smith Education
303 Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
210 Hindu American Foundation
211 Holocaust Museum LA
107 iCivics
115 Imagine Learning
309 Institute for Curriculum Services
312 Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies
102 Intuit for Education
TBD Logic Arts
300 MRU
301 Museum of the American Revolution
217 National Constitution Center
A National Geographic Learning/Cengage
105 National History Day California
104 National History Day California
TBD Newsela
D Next Gen Personal Finance
307 Perfection Learning
212 Retro Report
206 Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute
316 SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union
TBD Social Studies School Service
214 Sphere Education Initiatives
308 Studies Weekly
109 TCI
311 Teach Democracy
219 The Asian American Education Project
103 The California Council for the Social Studies
114 The DBQ Project
216 The Genocide Education Project
215 Thinking Nation
108 Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
315 TrueFiktion
220 UC Scout
305 UCLA Asian American Studies Center
203 USS Midway Museum Institute for Teachers
314 Wolfe Adventures & Tours
207 WorldStrides