Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
3:10 PM - 4:10 PM PST
Difficult History in Difficult Times: Fostering Empathy in a Post-9/11 World
How do we foster empathy and compassion for our students in an increasingly divided world? Explore how themes connected to 9/11 bridge the gap between historical and current events and provide a foundation for encouraging resilience in this interactive session using free resources from the 9/11 Memorial & Museum. All participants will be entered to win a free virtual tour of the 9/11 Memorial & Museum for their students and a pair of Museum tickets!
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Megan Jones
Secondary/High School
US History
Location: Sierra |
Location: Sierra |
2023022415:1016:10 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1841FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
2:40 PM - 3:40 PM PST
Is Democracy in Decline? A Civil Conversation
Which are stronger: the signs of decline or the signs of hope for democracy? Learn how to use Civil Conversation in the classroom to engage students in this crucial question.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Damon Huss
Secondary/High School
Global Studies
Location: Sierra |
Location: Sierra |
2023022514:4015:40 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
12:50 PM - 1:50 PM PST
Jewish Immigration in the Age of Industrialization and Immigration
This session will explore Jewish immigration to the United States in the early 20th century .Participants will explore the context for Jewish immigration between 1880-1924, discuss the various push and pull factors that brought Jewish immigrants to America, understand the cultural pressures and contributions of Jewish Americans, and grapple with the repercussions of the 1924 Immigration Act.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Kristen Hallahan
US History
Location: Sierra |
Location: Sierra |
2023022412:5013:50 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
11:20 AM - 12:20 PM PST
Operation Nemesis: Seeking Justice for Genocide Denied
Learn about the assassination of the mastermind of the Armenian Genocide and the surprising trial that followed. The case becomes an engaging lens through which to teach about the 1915 genocide by the Turkish government of the Ottoman Empire, its continued denial, ongoing impact, and the persistent quest for justice for this and other unreconciled historical events.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Manny Lopez
Secondary/High School
World History
Location: Sierra |
Location: Sierra |
2023022511:2012:20 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM PST
Stop the Presses? A Moot Court on Free Expression in Schools
What do students know about the First Amendment? Do they know how it affects their daily lives? Learn how to conduct a moot court in your classroom in which students explore their constitutional rights to free expression, the limits on that right, and where the law on student free expression stands in California today.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Damon Huss Co-Presenter: Laura Wesley
Secondary/High School
Location: Sierra |
Location: Sierra |
2023022513:3014:30 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST
The Inquiry Arch: Using Inquiry and Menus in a 6-12 classroom
Participants will learn how to build an inquiry based unit for a social studies class using the Inquire Arch Template. This system scaffolds for greater depth of critical thinking, allows for a wide range of differentiation within the classroom while allowing student choice and agency in their learning.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Kate Craig
Location: Sierra |
Location: Sierra |
2023022414:0015:00 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1741FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
4:20 PM - 5:20 PM PST
The USS Midway Institute: Building a National Community of Teachers
Explore strategies that guide students through skill-based analysis of primary sources and lesson plans created to support core content. Engage with lesson plan authors, examining distinct primary source documents that bridge gaps in students’ understanding of major 20th century historical events. Learn about professional development led by preeminent scholars, veterans and witnesses to history sponsored by the USS Midway Museum.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Richard del Rio Co-Presenter: Trevore Humphrey Co-Presenter: Beth Doughty Co-Presenter: Donovan Pruett
Secondary/High School
Global Studies
Location: Sierra |
Location: Sierra |
2023022416:2017:20 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
10:10 AM - 11:10 AM PST
Thinking Your Way Through Media Literacy
Participants will actively engage in the use of metacognitive routines that support students in developing the criticality needed to evaluate and integrate a variety of media types to craft historical arguments. Participants will leave the session learning routines that can be used in the classroom to engage their students in historical thinking and critical media literacy.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Liz Ramos Co-Presenter: Barbara Lane
Location: Sierra |
Location: Sierra |
2023022510:1011:10 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1741FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM PST
Keynote Address: Ethnic Studies is U.S. History
Since before it became a U.S. state in 1850, California has been home to a stunning array of ethnic groups who have resisted oppression to make theoretical rights a reality. Join us for an inspiring session exploring how diverse Californians during different eras and in various geographic areas and circumstances fought for racial justice, citizenship, equal protection, religious freedom, and other rights. Though some are well-known, many of their stories have long been marginalized or even silenced. Yet their victories benefited not only themselves and their communities, but had regional and national impact, and strengthened democracy for us all. Presenter: Speaker: Stan Yogi Speaker: Elaine ElinsonLocation: Grand Ballroom |
Location: Grand Ballroom |
2023022418:0019:00 000 | FRI, FEB 24 | |||
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PST
Keynote Address: Leading to Listen: A Youth Led Conversation on Civic Imagination, Activism, and Empathy in Classrooms and Communities
There has been a renewed focus on engaging young people in civic life and the roles that schools play in this process as of late. Yet, traditional approaches to civic education have yet to encompass a holistic and future oriented paradigm of democracy grounded in empathy, imagination, and justice. As young people demand involvement in building worlds that move us away from the realities they often face in school (e.g. the school to prison pipeline, a lack of access to the arts, and a dearth of mental health supports) educators and schools have an opportunity to radically rethink what civics education can become alongside them. Join our panel of youth leaders as they discuss their journeys into civic action, community organizing, and youth activism. Come hear their visions for better worlds, how educators can support these visions, and how civic education can be integrated across all content areas to meet this moment of change. Presenter: Speaker: Nicole Mirra Speaker: Antero Garcia Speaker: Mark Gomez Speaker: Skylar Chubbs Speaker: Bella Santos Speaker: Fiona Lu Speaker: Fernanda Ayala Speaker: Kilaya Borum Speaker: Jeanine Mora Speaker: Athena Ereno Speaker: Cristian RamirezLocation: Grand Ballroom |
Location: Grand Ballroom |
2023022509:0010:00 000 | SAT, FEB 25 | |||
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
3:50 PM - 4:50 PM PST
Keynote Address: Separating Rights and Responsibilities
Teaching about both rights and responsibilities is central to our work as social studies educators, but we make a serious mistake when we connect the two—especially when we tell students that people must use their rights responsibly. Although it may seem logical, this connection has no basis in legal or political philosophy, and it sends a troubling message about the meaning of rights. This presentation will explore why rights and responsibilities must be separated in our teaching, and how we can better help students understand the meaning of each. Presenter: Speaker: Keith BartonLocation: Grand Ballroom |
Location: Grand Ballroom |
2023022515:5016:50 000 | SAT, FEB 25 | |||
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
9:40 AM - 10:40 AM PST
Investigating Stakeholders to empower History and Ethnic Studies students-Integrated Action Civics
Social change is made not by heroic individuals, but by the actions of many. Understanding the role and motivation of those involved is critical for history and ethinic studies students better understand historical and contemporary struggles. Embedding stakeholder analysis strategies throughout our courses helps students understand the process of social change and empowers them when they engage in action civics.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Richard Aguirre Co-Presenter: Devin Hess Co-Presenter: Olivia Lydon-Santillan
Ethnic Studies
Location: Salon C |
Location: Salon C |
2023022609:4010:40 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1E41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST
Bridging the Community: Connecting Action Civics to the Civic Seal
This interactive workshop connects the Seal of Civic Engagement to Action Civics, a project-based approach to civic education designed to promote civic knowledge, skills and motivation in students by having them take action on community issues. Participants will practice democratic pedagogies and curricular approaches to civics, including making connections to the local community and the Seal of Civic Engagement criteria.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Megan Brandon
Location: Salon E |
Location: Salon E |
2023022612:0013:00 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM PST
Bringing Museums to Life into the Classroom
Autry Museum Educators facilitate teacher exploration of activities and resources that bring museums to life for students both in and outside of classrooms. The session highlights cross-curricular resources and allows teachers to experience the multiliteracies of museums through object analysis (inquiry), student created exhibits/public products, digital gallery tours, interactive media explorations, field trips and more.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Meghan Selway
US History
Location: Salon E |
Location: Salon E |
2023022608:0009:30 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6089022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1741FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
9:40 AM - 10:40 AM PST
Exchange Your Classroom With The World
Learn how to create a World Fair at your school site utilizing local exchange students. Participants will discover the power of student presentations where they can sing, dance, and share the love they have for their countries.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Gina Nelson
Global Studies
Location: Salon E |
Location: Salon E |
2023022609:4010:40 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
9:40 AM - 10:40 AM PST
Learn to Discuss, Discuss to Learn with a Structured Academic Controversy Canceled
An interactive session in which participants learn about and take part in a discussion protocol that works well in the social sciences to foster engagement and deeper understanding of a controversial issue and to promote development of discussion and thinking skills critical for being a successful student and community member.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Susan Gevelber
Location: Salon E |
Location: Salon E |
2023022609:4010:40 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1741FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
12:50 PM - 1:50 PM PST
Engaging your Students in AP Social Studies Classrooms
Discover hallmark and market-leading AP® Programs for APUSH, AP World History, AP Economics, AP Government, AP Psychology, and AP Human Geography. You’ll receive insight into the tools and resources that help foster engagement, as well as discovering educational technology options. (AP® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse BFW Publishers.)
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Katrina Torres Primary Contact: Katrina Torres Co-Presenter: Rachael Babcock
Secondary/High School
Location: Santa Barbara |
Location: Santa Barbara |
2023022412:5013:50 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
10:50 AM - 11:50 AM PST
Alcatraz Indian Occupation – Power in Community!
Take a trip to Alcatraz Island for the 1969 Indian Occupation to learn about the Indigenous resistance for self-determination. Together we will explore primary and secondary resources around the essential question, “What motivates communities to take civic action?”. Learn how students engage in place-based inquiry cultural history on Alcatraz Island.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Benny Batom Co-Presenter: Sherry Guillen Co-Presenter: Cristina Martinez
Secondary/High School
US History
Location: Santa Barbara |
Location: Santa Barbara |
2023022610:5011:50 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
10:10 AM - 11:10 AM PST
Decolonizing a "Destiny": Bringing Native Perspectives into Discussions of Westward Expansion
Work through a lesson that brings indigenous voices and perspectives into the discussion of westward expansion before the Civil War, frequently referred to as "Manifest Destiny." Help shift the narrative on American expansion from one of the inevitable settlement of a "vast, empty continent," to one of territorial encroachments met by Native resistance, focusing on Native agency and historical contingency.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Faith Stackhouse Daly
Secondary/High School
US History
Location: Santa Barbara |
Location: Santa Barbara |
2023022510:1011:10 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
4:20 PM - 5:20 PM PST
Developing Civic Power for Students through Citizenship and Participation
What are the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that young people need to create a more just, inclusive, and equitable society? In support of the California State Seal of Civic Engagement, participants will be introduced to Facing History and Ourselves strategies for elevating students’ civic voices and empowering them to take civic action in their school, local, national, and global communities.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Moira Rutiz
Location: Santa Barbara |
Location: Santa Barbara |
2023022416:2017:20 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
11:20 AM - 12:20 PM PST
Elevating Diverse Voices in the Social Studies Classroom through Literature
The FAIR act asks educators to include contributions by people with disabilities and members of the LGBTQ community in social studies curriculum. How can we bring these identities and histories into our pedagogy? Explore Facing History’s resources that incorporate authentic voices and literacy skills into the social studies classroom.
Presenter: Co-Presenter: Joe Spencer
Location: Santa Barbara |
Location: Santa Barbara |
2023022511:2012:20 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1741FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
3:10 PM - 4:10 PM PST
Ethnic Studies & E Pluribus Unum: An Inclusive Approach
Discover an inclusive approach to ethnic studies in which students examine the struggles, accomplishments, and contributions of Americans of diverse ethnic backgrounds to the American story, and gain knowledge to inspire civic participation toward greater justice for all. This session will model a sample lesson that includes multiple primary sources and encourages engagement with different points of view.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Adam Seagrave
Secondary/High School
Ethnic Studies
Location: Santa Barbara |
Location: Santa Barbara |
2023022415:1016:10 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1E41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM PST
Liberatory Civics: Direct Democracy, Solidarity, and Mutual Aid in Elementary School Canceled
K-6 civic education is often rooted in the principles of representative democracy and positions charitable projects and empathy-building as hallmarks of civic engagement. In this workshop, participants will instead explore direct democracy, mutual aid, and building solidarity within and across minoritized communities as courageous, effective, and emancipatory frameworks for civic education and civic action in elementary classrooms.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Alexandria Hollett
Early Childhood/Elementary
Location: Santa Barbara |
Location: Santa Barbara |
2023022608:0009:30 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
5F89022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST
Manifestos - Center Justice in your History/Ethnic Studies Courses (Integrated Action Civics)
This strategy introduces students to the concept of a manifesto as an expression of goals for social change. Using this (Integrated Action Civics) strategy, students examine historical/contemporary documents to explore the underlying concepts of justice. Examining various manifestos, students extract common characteristics and articulations of justice. Drawing on these, along with their own beliefs, students write their own manifestos.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Richard Aguirre Co-Presenter: Olivia Lydon-Santillan Co-Presenter: Devin Hess
Secondary/High School
Ethnic Studies
Location: Santa Barbara |
Location: Santa Barbara |
2023022414:0015:00 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1E41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM PST
Practicing History: Decolonizing Your Classroom with Missing Narratives
Eager to explore how to incorporate missing narratives in your curriculum? Curious about how to approach decolonizing traditional historical narratives? Engage in activities/strategies that empower students to question who has held the power to tell history and whose histories are missing. Leave with lessons that use missing narratives to expand your students? understanding of the relevance of history.
Presenter: Co-Presenter: Anne Olson Lead Presenter: Christy Story Co-Presenter: Whitney Olson
US History
Location: Santa Barbara |
Location: Santa Barbara |
2023022513:3014:30 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
2:40 PM - 3:40 PM PST
Teaching With SCOTUS: The Stories Behind the Cases
How do we make confusing Supreme Court decisions clear for our students? We connect them to the stories of real people. Participants will examine this Retro Report collection to help students connect with historic and contemporary cases. From Korematsu to Nixon, from Affirmative Action to Gerrymandering, help students grapple with the complexities of Supreme Court decisions and their consequences.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: David Olson
Secondary/High School
Location: Santa Barbara |
Location: Santa Barbara |
2023022514:4015:40 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM PST
Film Screening: America is Me: Tracing History Through the Family Story
CCSS23 attendees are invited to screen the award-winning documentary, Gina’s Journey on Friday, February 25 at 7 pm followed by a discussion with Regina Mason about the AIM initiative, how it can be used in the classroom, and how students can participate in the competition component.
With over 15-years experience as a speaker on the power of reclaimed history as it relates to identity and place in the American narrative, Regina Mason shares her personal journey to recover her past. As founder of the educational initiative America is Me (AIM), Regina explores American history through the voice of her ancestor, William Grimes, who wrote the first fugitive slave narrative in American history. AIM is a curriculum-based initiative that follows the framework of California Standards in History and Social Science at fifth grade level through high school and is anchored in the film Gina’s Journey, the Search for William Grimes. The film follows the curiosity of Gina, a 5 th grader, and her lifelong journey to authenticate a story told to her in childhood about an ancestor named “Grimes” who was involved in the Underground Railroad. While the film exposes hard truths about U.S. history such as slavery and the contradiction of freedom and equality, it also invites students to think critically about their own family story, how it has contributed to the American mosaic, and what we lose when stories are marginalized, censored, hidden, or lost. Developed to inspire critical thinking and analysis; inclusion and empathy through a series of inquiry tasks, archival research, and exercises, students will survey American slavery through William Grimes as they simultaneously follow Gina’s journey to recover her past while considering what these parallel stories tell us today. Upon completion of AIM in the classroom, students from participating schools, clubs, and associations in California will be invited to partake in AIM’s annual theme-based literary and visual arts competition. CCSS23 attendees are invited to screen the award-winning documentary, Gina’s Journey on Friday, February 24 at 7 pm followed by a discussion with Regina Mason about the AIM initiative, how it can be used in the classroom, and how students can participate in the competition component.
Presenter: Speaker: Regina MasonLocation: Seattle |
Location: Seattle |
2023022419:0020:30 000 | FRI, FEB 24 | |||
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
4:20 PM - 5:20 PM PST
Building Collaboration Without Losing Autonomy: Common Assessments on Historical Thinking
What if common assessments built departmental collaboration while maintaining teacher autonomy? In this session, we’ll explore how common assessments centered on historical thinking can do just that. A focus on historical thinking not only empowers students, it also enhances collaboration across grade levels while giving teachers the freedom to focus on the content that defines their class. Free resources provided!
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Zachary Cote
Location: Seattle |
Location: Seattle |
2023022416:2017:20 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1741FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
11:20 AM - 12:20 PM PST
Building Connections: Using EdTech to Bring History and Civics to Life!
Bring history and civics to life! Edtech allows students to immerse themselves in history; integrating historical empathy and critical thinking helps educators foster citizenship and civics for a new generation. Utilizing the C3 Inquiry Arc and ISTE Standards, participants will explore how educators can make vital connections to historical events and increase civic engagement for students.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Laurel Kirchhoff Lead Presenter: Karalee Nakatsuka
US History
Location: Seattle |
Location: Seattle |
2023022511:2012:20 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM PST
Challenging Hateful Rhetoric: Children of the Holocaust
In this workshop participants will engage in activities and discussions that increase their content knowledge of the youngest victims of the Holocaust, while learning strategies to increase empathy among their students as well as how to facilitate challenging conversations in the classroom.
Presenter: Co-Presenter: Dawniell Black Co-Presenter: Jody Cooperman
Location: Seattle |
Location: Seattle |
2023022608:0009:30 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST
Harvey Milk & The Briggs Initiative: CA LGBTQ History
This session will provide a brief overview of ways that teachers can celebrate LGBTQ history in United States History curriculum. Participants will be introduced to one lesson about Harvey Milk and the Briggs Initiative from 1978. The lesson focuses on LGBTQ rights and how civil rights movements of the 60s and 70s influenced and learned from one another.
All information about the session can be found at: Presenter: Lead Presenter: Chris Lewis
Secondary/High School
US History
Location: Seattle |
Location: Seattle |
2023022414:0015:00 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
2:40 PM - 3:40 PM PST
Historical Thinking Skills: The key to bridging the past to the present
Analyzing Historical Sources and Evidence. Making Connections. Chronological Reasoning. Creating and Supporting a Historical Argument. Are these skills that you would like to build in your students? Of course, they are! Participants of this session will learn about historical thinking skills, their cross-curricular connections, and learn strategies to ensure that all students can think like a historian!
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Laurel Kirchhoff Lead Presenter: Frank Pisi
Location: Seattle |
Location: Seattle |
2023022514:4015:40 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1741FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
10:10 AM - 11:10 AM PST
Queering Your Curriculum: Resources for Teaching LGBTQ+ History
This interactive session will offer strategies for integrating LGBTQ+ history into their curriculum. Participants will have the opportunity to actively explore the latest resources and lessons available to educators.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Wendy Rouse
US History
Location: Seattle |
Location: Seattle |
2023022510:1011:10 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1941FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
9:40 AM - 10:40 AM PST
The Ethnic Studies Adoption Toolkit: Making Smart Decisions for Your School Community
The Ethnic Studies Adoption Toolkit used across the state, provides school districts with a process for developing, adopting, and/or integrating high quality ethnic studies programming, based on the guidelines of the state adopted Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum. Adapted from the CA History-Social Science Adoption Toolkit, it includes a six-step process, school examples and working templates for local use.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Michelle Herczog
Secondary/High School
Ethnic Studies
Location: Seattle |
Location: Seattle |
2023022609:4010:40 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1E41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
3:10 PM - 4:10 PM PST
The History of a Modern Conflict: Exploring the Arab-Israeli Conflict
The Arab-Israeli conflict is in the news every day and understanding it is critical to being an informed citizen in today’s globalized world. This session traces the history of the conflict using a diverse set of primary sources and a range of source analysis and media literacy strategies.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Kristen Hallahan
World History
Location: Seattle |
Location: Seattle |
2023022415:1016:10 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
10:50 AM - 11:50 AM PST
The Three Sisters: Bringing History into the Garden
This session will investigate the traditional story of the Three Sisters which focuses on the food production techniques used by Native Americans. Attendees will participate in hands-on activities suitable for the indoor or outdoor classroom and receive FREE standards-based educational materials for use in their classrooms.
Presenter: Presenter: Mandi Bottoms Co-Presenter: Morgan Nunes
US History
Location: Seattle |
Location: Seattle |
2023022610:5011:50 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6089022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM PST
Understanding the Cold War in Latin America
The global Cold War had a profound effect on Latin America, but high quality classroom resources are scarce. This Retro Report collection aims to change that. Engage students through primary source investigation using political cartoons, films, and an interactive map. This session will have educators exploring resources, modeling lesson plans, and discussing approaches to diversify the teaching of this history.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: David Olson
US History
Location: Seattle |
Location: Seattle |
2023022513:3014:30 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1641FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
12:50 PM - 1:50 PM PST
White Supremacy and Restorative Justice
During this session, I will talk about identifying the effects of whiteness to improve the implementation of restorative justice practices in schools.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Victor Small
Secondary/High School
Location: Seattle |
Location: Seattle |
2023022412:5013:50 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
7:30 AM - 8:50 AM PST
First Timer Event
If this is your first time at our CCSS conference (or if you haven't attended in awhile), come learn about the format of the conference and get some tips to get the best out of your experience. Learn about everything CCSS offers it's members.
Studies Weekly will be present as well to share what they have to offer. Presenter: Lead Presenter: Cathy MarstonLocation: Sedona |
Location: Sedona |
2023022507:3008:50 000 | SAT, FEB 25 | |||
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
8:15 AM - 9:45 AM PST
CCSS to honor California Secretary of State Shirley Weber with the CCSS Civic Action Award! Join us at the Legislative Confab where we will honor Secretary of State Shirley Weber for her ongoing commitment to voter engagement and civic learning for young people. Engage in conversation with civic and educational leaders, CCSS partner organizations and others to discuss current legislation, funding for social studies education and other pressing matters facing our profession. Location: Sedona Sponsored By Reagan Academy |
Location: Sedona |
2023022408:1509:45 000 | FRI, FEB 24 | |||
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST
Administrator’s Colloquium
Engage with fellow site and district leaders at the California Council for the Social Studies 62nd Annual Conference during the Administrator's Colloquium to learn from and with colleagues from across the state. We will also have the opportunity to hear from experts who will be able to offer support and insight on the implementation of Ethnic Studies courses in your schools. Diane L. Brooks Administrator of the Year Join us for this unique event as we also honor Lily V. Chang, Coordinator of Continuous Improvement for the Butte County Office of Education, as this year's recipient of the Diane L. Brooks Award. Location: Sedona Sponsored By Constitutional Rights Foundation Facing History & Ourselves |
Location: Sedona |
2023022410:0012:00 000 | FRI, FEB 24 | |||
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM PST
Location: Sedona |
Location: Sedona |
2023022415:3017:30 000 | FRI, FEB 24 | |||
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM PST
Annual CCSS 2023 Award Ceremony
Join us in celebrating this year's award winners from across the state of California,
Location: Sedona |
Location: Sedona |
2023022517:3018:30 000 | SAT, FEB 25 | |||
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM PST
CCSS General Meeting
Join our annual meeting where we'll discuss the state of the organization and the upcoming election .
Location: Sedona |
Location: Sedona |
2023022613:3014:30 000 | SUN, FEB 26 | |||
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
11:20 AM - 12:20 PM PST
The Power of Local History & Elevated CRSP
Engage in going beyond the typical CRSP materials that repeat people, places, & events when covering BIPOC, women, children, and LBGTQ+ communities. Examine theories to guide instructional planning and teaching so that your classroom elevates the complex stories of diverse members of your community, highlighting resilience, agency, and the hope for better futures through local history.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Amparo Chavez-Gonzalez
US History
Location: Sedona |
Location: Sedona |
2023022511:2012:20 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6089022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1641FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
10:10 AM - 11:10 AM PST
What's New with the State: CDE History–Social Science Projects
This presentation will provide an update on legislation, curriculum, instructional materials, professional learning, and other current projects of the California Department of Education related to history–social science.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Kenneth McDonald Co-Presenter: Sarah Smith Co-Presenter: Carrie Marovich
Location: Sedona |
Location: Sedona |
2023022510:1011:10 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6089022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
7:10 PM - 9:00 PM PST
Ethnic Studies Forum
Join the Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice Committee for a post-keynote Ethnic Studies Forum where you will be able to engage with the authors of Wherever There’s A Fight and discuss topics of with other conference attendees related to Ethnic Studies that includes, challenges to the content & implementation, best practices in the classroom, resources, community involvement and professional development. There will be an opportunity to engage with the Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice Committee and how CCSS can provide support to educators, as well as raffle prizes and light refreshments.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Dawniell BlackLocation: Sedona |
Location: Sedona |
2023022419:1021:00 000 | FRI, FEB 24 | |||
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM PST
Collaboration Space & Committee Work
Join your fellow educators to collaborate and share about your teaching practices. Come with questions and or topics you want to discuss with those in attendance. Some of our CCSS Committees will be present so that you can ask questions about getting more involved in our organization.
Location: Sedona |
Location: Sedona |
2023022415:3017:30 000 | FRI, FEB 24 | |||
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
10:50 AM - 11:50 AM PST
Beyond the PowerPoint: Simulations + Games for the AP Classroom
Discover simulations and games to diverse your AP classroom! We all know AP students love to sit and listen to a lecture, but let's challenge our students and ourselves to move past our comfort zone. Attendees will leave with tips + tricks to get beyond the PowerPoint and towards a more engaging, student centered, learning environment.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Christina Schultz
Secondary/High School
US History
Location: Sequoia |
Location: Sequoia |
2023022610:5011:50 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
4:20 PM - 5:20 PM PST
Choices Program Imperial America Unit for U.S. History and Ethnic Studies
What do Hawaii, the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico, and American Samoa have in common? All were impacted by U.S. colonial imperialism from 1890-1915. Join the Choices Program to explore readings, lessons, and videos in our new Imperial America unit. Free one-year digital license provided. Appropriate for U.S. History and Ethnic Studies educators.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Mimi Stephens
Secondary/High School
US History
Location: Sequoia |
Location: Sequoia |
2023022416:2017:20 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
10:10 AM - 11:10 AM PST
Economics for Empowerment and Equity: Budgeting Your Human Capital, Not Time
Inspire your students with Economics for Empowerment and Equity. Help them recognize that their Human Capital (skills, knowledge, experience and personal qualities) is their ticket to success, the resource that will largely determine their ability to reach their goals. Participate in a human capital budgeting exercise that exemplifies the power of marginal benefit/cost analysis.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Jim Charkins
Economics/Financial Literacy
Location: Sequoia |
Location: Sequoia |
2023022510:1011:10 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1B41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
2:40 PM - 3:40 PM PST
Finding Freedom
Understanding history requires teachers to present diverse perspectives. The Museum of the American Revolution’s Finding Freedom interactive explores the stories of five real people of African descent living in wartime Virginia as they contemplated their best opportunities for freedom, liberty, and self-determination. Discover the features this resource offers and explore opportunities for using them in your classroom.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Linda Dean
US History
Location: Sequoia |
Location: Sequoia |
2023022514:4015:40 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
11:20 AM - 12:20 PM PST
Gradual Release of Responsibility: Help students take ownership of their learning
Join us in exploring and modeling Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) in this interactive session. GRR is an intentional sequence of steps in lesson planning that gradually shifts the responsibility for learning from the teacher to the student. This session itself models the GRR strategy grounded in social studies and participants leave with lesson planning template.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Alisa Stevenson
US History
Location: Sequoia |
Location: Sequoia |
2023022511:2012:20 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1641FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
9:40 AM - 10:40 AM PST
Growing a Democracy Factory, Because Doing Civics Beats Just Teaching About It
In this session you will hear the story of a school and school district’s successful search for identity as an outstanding model of quality civics education. Every school and school district looking to improve civics education could take one or more of the ideas presented in this session and put them into practice next week.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: John Downey Co-Presenter: Angelica Chavez
Location: Sequoia |
Location: Sequoia |
2023022609:4010:40 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6089022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM PST
Income & Wealth Inequality in America
Teachers will be provided a comprehensive package of materials and resources to teach Income & Wealth Inequality, a neglected subject in most social studies courses that is sorely needed as an area of inquiry. Additionally, it's an essential topic for students to understand so they may become empowered to build their human capital to better themselves financially.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Greg Fisher
Secondary/High School
Economics/Financial Literacy
Location: Sequoia |
Location: Sequoia |
2023022608:3009:30 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1B41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
12:50 PM - 1:50 PM PST
Inquiry in Ethnic Studies: The Value of Geography and Global Competence
This session focuses on supporting local, place-based inquiry as part of Ethnic Studies and other History-Social Science courses. Presenters will show how the Global Competence Framework and web based Geospatial Technologies can ground instruction and learning in authentic and informed engagement with the diverse communities in which education occurs.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Lisa McAllister Co-Presenter: Thomas Herman
Ethnic Studies
Location: Sequoia |
Location: Sequoia |
2023022412:5013:50 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1E41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1641FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
2:40 PM - 3:40 PM PST
Teaching The Aftermath of Imperialism Through Simulations and Other Activities Canceled
Participants will explore the often-neglected subject of the long-term effects of decolonization. Many of today’s problems such as racism, economic inequity, and challenges to development can be traced backed to imperialism. Strategies for teaching this important unit will be introduced. Students need to be very familiar with this time period to get a good understanding of the modern world.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Richard Di Giacomo
Secondary/High School
World History
Location: Sequoia |
Location: Sequoia |
2023022514:4015:40 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST
Their Voice Their Power: Using Stories as Advocacy
Introduce the Moving Stories Guide to help educators learn how to create a safe space for students to share their migration stories. Educators will also hear and learn from a high school teacher on how to provide the resources to help publish your student's stories.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Abeer Shinnawi Co-Presenter: Fernando Lopez
Secondary/High School
Ethnic Studies
Location: Sequoia |
Location: Sequoia |
2023022414:0015:00 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1E41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1641FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
3:10 PM - 4:10 PM PST
To Protect and Serve: Past, Present, Future of Policing
Explore the historical role of police as they deal with past, present, and future challenges of sufficient resources and police-community relations. Participants will receive free access to lessons that increase student understanding of issues relating to the use-of-force, police treatment of young people in field situations, and strategies that empower students to address issues of public safety in their communities.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Gregorio Medina
Middle Level/Junior High
Location: Sequoia |
Location: Sequoia |
2023022415:1016:10 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6189022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM PST
Youth Global Citizenship with the State Seals of Biliteracy and Civic Engagement
How can learning languages open to new perspectives and kindle the civic engagement that leads to global citizenship? World language classrooms offer unique opportunities to view the current challenges from the views of others and engage in reflective mirror work. Explore examples of the effective infusion of civic engagement in a language classroom, across the curriculum, school and districtwide.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Yo Azama Co-Presenter: Leticia Diaz-Garcia Co-Presenter: Tamisha Allen Smith Co-Presenter: Mark Gomez Co-Presenter: Jennifer Elemen Co-Presenter: Olivia Santillan
Location: Sequoia |
Location: Sequoia |
2023022513:3014:30 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6089022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1741FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM PST
A People's History of the Bay, By and For Bay Area Youth
Members of UCBHSSP’s inaugural student advisory board discuss their work unlearning and learning local history as they developed social media posts, which shared a People’s History of the Bay. They will discuss the structure and process of the advisory board meetings, how they went about learning about local history, and how it shifted their understanding of the discipline of history.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Rachel Reinhard
US History
Location: Monterey |
Location: Monterey |
2023022513:3014:30 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
3:10 PM - 4:10 PM PST
Augmenting information and inquiry in Ethnic Studies with online school-library resources
California students and educators have access to multiple online school-library resources provided through the California State Library's K-12 Online Content Project. Participants will learn how these suites of content -- including literature resources and PBS video programming - can augment and diversify content provided in ethnic studies classes and encourage student inquiry and research.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Mary Beth Barber
Secondary/High School
Ethnic Studies
Location: Monterey |
Location: Monterey |
2023022415:1016:10 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1E41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1641FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
11:20 AM - 12:20 PM PST
Building Teacher Leaders in Professional Development: The ICivics Teacher Facilitator Fellowship.
Come and learn about the iCivics Teacher Facilitator Fellowship- an opportunity for California teachers to earn $2100 while sharpening civic content, pedagogy, and facilitation skills from our inaugural class of fellow. This is your chance to be part of a community of practice, learning together to transform social studies and civics teaching across the state.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Tammy Waller
Location: Monterey |
Location: Monterey |
2023022511:2012:20 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
2:40 PM - 3:40 PM PST
Exploring Access for All at California State Parks
This presentation will provide an overview of methods currently being utilized to improve access, equity, inclusivity, and civic engagement at California State Parks through interpretation and education. A virtual Q&A session will take place with State Park Interpreter from a state park. Co-presenter includes Kara Lu, PORTS K-12 Access Project Coordinator, Interpretation and Education Division at California State Parks.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Blythe Wilson Co-Presenter: Kara Lu
Other K-12
Environmental Literacy
Location: Monterey |
Location: Monterey |
2023022514:4015:40 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6589022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1D41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1641FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST
Interrogate for Impact: Using Social Justice Standards to Transform Our Practice
Come join us to explore your existing definitions of identity, diversity, justice, and action in education. Learn the possibilities of reflective practices that can lead to transformational learning experiences in and out of the classroom for you and your students. Take steps toward building the foundation of creating just, equitable, and safe environments for our students, colleagues, and community.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Leigh Dela Victoria Co-Presenter: Tina Starks
Location: Monterey |
Location: Monterey |
2023022414:0015:00 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6089022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2341FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1641FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
4:20 PM - 5:20 PM PST
Meeting the Challenge: Tools for Teaching Climate Change in the Social Sciences
Teachers will participate in an interactive, hands-on workshop that focuses on teaching climate change in its social studies classrooms. By participating, teachers will learn how to leverage the requisite skills and learning experiences that will unleash students’ creativity and motivation to take on the challenges of climate change.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Maheen Sahoo
Location: Monterey |
Location: Monterey |
2023022416:2017:20 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
10:10 AM - 11:10 AM PST
Teaching the Climate Crisis: An Alternative Approach to 10th Grade World History
Learn how to reframe world history courses to address questions of justice, climate change, and sustainability in the context of the history of colonialism and Indigenous resistance. Participants will explore a course map and engage with a lesson that invites students to analyze power as people struggle to implement, or resist, responses to environmental challenges brought on by industrialization.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Devin Hess Co-Presenter: Kaedan Peters
Secondary/High School
World History
Location: Monterey |
Location: Monterey |
2023022510:1011:10 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
12:50 PM - 1:50 PM PST
The Constitution EXPLAINED: Videos for Democratic Learning and Engagement
Discover entertaining visual resources to teach the U.S. Constitution! The Constitution EXPLAINED is a series of 35 videos created by the Center for Civic Education and iCivics to explain key aspects of the Constitution in everyday language and examples to make our nation's founding document accessible to everyone. Learn how to use the videos in your classroom, integrate them into
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Mark Gage
Other 4th - 12th Grade
Location: Monterey |
Location: Monterey |
2023022412:5013:50 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6589022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM PST
CASET Conference
The California Association of School Economics Teachers (CASET) is holding its annual conference and is open to ALL social studies teachers. Economic Reasoning can and should be taught in EVERY social studies class. The conference will focus on presenting topics specific to the teaching of Economics and will help teachers empower students with the skill of economic reasoning and the application of that skill to their lives.
![]() This is an opportunity for high school Economics teachers to explore how to empower their students to learn and apply economic reasoning, recognize the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century global economy, and use this knowledge in all aspects of their lives now and in the future. Teachers will leave feeling honored as professionals, intellectually refreshed, and armed with new ideas and materials for their classrooms. Teacher resources for classroom use will be provided. Please register here. There is no charge, but we do need a head count. Location: Newport Beach |
Location: Newport Beach |
2023022414:0017:00 000 | FRI, FEB 24 | |||
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
10:10 AM - 11:10 AM PST
Civic Education is Student Power
In this workshop we will be exploring how Oakland Unified School District works to support and prepare students to become civically engaged through community outreach, student action projects and youth participatory research, and youth vote. This is the space for you to find out how to implement this in your school district! Presenter: Lead Presenter: Leah Aguilera Primary Contact: Leah Aguilera Co-Presenter: Citlali Espinoza
Middle Level/Junior High
Location: Newport Beach |
Location: Newport Beach |
2023022510:1011:10 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6189022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST
DICE: Digital Inquiry on Civic Engagement
In this session, we will examine and deconstruct a digital inquiry lesson on the History of African-American rights from Reconstruction to the present day in order to facilitate an inclusive and engaging lesson on civic engagement. Participants will identify the main components of the inquiry design, and apply digital media techniques to making them engaging and inclusive.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Zachary Safi
US History
Location: Newport Beach |
Location: Newport Beach |
2023022612:0013:00 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM PST
Engage Your Students in Public Policy!
Discover "Project Citizen: Community Engagement in Public Policy"! Project Citizen empowers students to actively and responsibly address problems in their community. Students work collaboratively to identify civic needs, research policy alternatives, present their solutions, and reflect on their experience, fulfilling participation criteria for the California State Seal of Civic Engagement. Preview the curriculum online!
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Alissa Irion-Groth
Location: Newport Beach |
Location: Newport Beach |
2023022513:3014:30 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM PST
How is the Legacy of Genocide Relevant Today?
The Holocaust and Armenian Genocide are specifically required in the CA Framework, but for students, these historic events can seem irrelevant. In this session, explore an approach to teaching the legacy of genocide that humanizes the people, complicates the issues, deepens our understanding of restorative justice, and brings nuance and relevancy which engages students in the world around them today.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Brian Fong
World History
Location: Newport Beach |
Location: Newport Beach |
2023022608:3009:30 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
2:40 PM - 3:40 PM PST
Learning LGBTQ+ History Through Literature
The Santa Cruz COE convened a group of educators, school and public librarians to identify the Top 40 LGBTQ+ books that belong in every K-12 school and library. This session will share this book list, lesson plans to teach several books and ways to integrate these books in your K-12 history classrooms.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Rob Darrow
US History
Location: Newport Beach |
Location: Newport Beach |
2023022514:4015:40 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6089022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1941FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
10:50 AM - 11:50 AM PST
Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About
Do you struggle engaging students in your History-Social Science classes? Join this session to explore reserach based practices that engage students in academic conversations through inquiry using the 5E Model of Instruction and Eduprotocols.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Emily Anne Drum Drum
Secondary/High School
Economics/Financial Literacy
Location: Newport Beach |
Location: Newport Beach |
2023022610:5011:50 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1B41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1741FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
11:20 AM - 12:20 PM PST
Teaching Two Spirit History in California and US History Classrooms
It's time to decolonize our curriculum. Two-Spirit People, their experiences, and cultures have largely been left out of California classrooms. This session is designed to help classroom teachers gain the knowledge and skills necessary to teach their students about Two-Spirit communities and their histories. This session will provide terminology, background information, primary sources, and a lesson plan.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Olivia Garrison
Other 4th, 5th, 8th, 11th
Ethnic Studies
Location: Newport Beach |
Location: Newport Beach |
2023022511:2012:20 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6589022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1E41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1941FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
9:40 AM - 10:40 AM PST
Understanding the Causes of the Russian Ukrainian War Canceled
The causes of the Russian-Ukraine war/conflict have colonial origins extending for several centuries. This session will focus on the reasons why Ukrainians were oppressed by the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation to the present day. Moreover, the session will explain the nature of the oppression, the extent of bigotry and the terror inflicted upon Ukrainians.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Lubow Jowa
Secondary/High School
World History
Location: Newport Beach |
Location: Newport Beach |
2023022609:4010:40 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM PST
Museum of Tolerance: An Inside Out Approach to Preparing for Difficult Conversations
Experience a mini workshop on navigating difficult conversations from the Museum's Professional Development division. While the takeaways are applicable to the classroom, the transformations and inspirations are uniquely personal for adult learners. Learn how you can take advantage of the free resources and networks of the Museum and walk away with next steps for your preparation and planning.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Linda Blanshay Primary Contact: Linda Blanshay
Ethnic Studies
Location: Portland |
Location: Portland |
2023022608:0009:30 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1E41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1641FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST
Beyond “Feel-Good Moral Imperatives”: Promoting Social Justice in Schools
Hayward Unified School District is committed to establishing and sustaining a community that shares collective responsibility to recognize, interrupt, dismantle, and eliminate actions, decisions, and outcomes that result from and perpetuate racism. We make this commitment as part of our strategic plan to develop life-long learners supported in equitable and engaging learning environments that draw upon our community’s rich diversity.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Candace Cofield
Ethnic Studies
Location: Portland |
Location: Portland |
2023022414:0015:00 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6089022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1E41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
10:10 AM - 11:10 AM PST
Bringing Productive Interaction Back to Your Post-Pandemic Classroom
Did your students return to your classroom from their pandemic bunkers needing a "little refresher" on the civic engagement skills of listening to others, treating everyone with respect, and honoring the learning process? Join this session to learn how to use our Cooperative, Inclusive Classroom tips and Response Group activity to put the concept of "civilization" back into your curriculum.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Kelsey Moore
Location: Portland |
Location: Portland |
2023022510:1011:10 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2341FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
2:40 PM - 3:40 PM PST
Correcting our Grading Mistakes of the Past - Implementing Equitable Grading Practices
Learn about one teacher’s trials and tribulations of supporting a district’s equity initiatives. Explore how moving from a points based grading system to a standards based grading system provides a more supportive learning environment while maintaining the high academic rigor in a Social Studies class.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Erica Shaw Co-Presenter: Heather Fontanilla Co-Presenter: Susan Hartwig
Secondary/High School
US History
Location: Portland |
Location: Portland |
2023022514:4015:40 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
9:40 AM - 10:40 AM PST
Dismantling Systems of White Supremacy and Colonist Mindsets Through Ethnic Studies
Come learn how to identify and dismantle historic systems of white supremacy and colonist mindsets in your Ethnic Studies and Social Studies classroom. By examining specific historic events that are often left out of traditional social studies curriculum and textbooks we can help our students become better critical consumers of information including current events.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Ruth Luevanos
Ethnic Studies
Location: Portland |
Location: Portland |
2023022609:4010:40 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1E41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
3:10 PM - 4:10 PM PST
Engaging Students in Evidence-Based Writing with Inquiry AND Technology
Through the DBQ Online platform, participants will explore the DBQ Project method, and actively engage in inquiry and literacy strategies that support critical thinking and evidence-based, argument writing. Educators will experience our newest additions to the DBQ Project library. Also applicable for 4th-5th grade.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Don Azevada
Location: Portland |
Location: Portland |
2023022415:1016:10 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1741FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
10:50 AM - 11:50 AM PST
Every Subject has a History: find that history with primary sources!
Finding primary sources is often difficult; and what do you do once you find them? We will investigate the importance of question-building and locating information within the information cycle. We will explore where to find primary sources and use them in the classroom, and finally, we will explore the fabulous value of local history to build student engagement.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Connie Williams
Location: Portland |
Location: Portland |
2023022610:5011:50 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6089022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1741FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM PST
Level Up Your Classroom with Gamification!
Learn to promote interest and engagement while helping students achieve specific learning objectives with games. Join us as you learn simple and valuable ways to gamify your lessons. We will be sharing a few creative game ideas for building relationships and reviewing and learning content.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Bert Bower
Location: Portland |
Location: Portland |
2023022513:3014:30 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6089022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2241FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
11:20 AM - 12:20 PM PST
Teaching Controversial Issues
Teaching controversial issues is an essential part of educating democratic citizens for a multiracial society, but many students do not have access to this democratic learning opportunity. Additionally, teaching controversial issues is especially challenging in our contentious political climate. How can social studies teachers, both new and experienced, undertake this vital but demanding work?
More information and resources can be found at https:// Sponsored by: Southern California Social Science Association Presenter: Primary Speaker: Judy Pace
Location: Portland |
Location: Portland |
2023022511:2012:20 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6089022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
4:20 PM - 5:20 PM PST
Using Interactive Videos to Bring Geography Alive!
Discover how to use powerful video activities in your Geography classroom! Join this interactive session to see how video-based Geography Challenges and activities can inspire students and deepen their understanding.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Bert Bower
Middle Level/Junior High
Location: Portland |
Location: Portland |
2023022416:2017:20 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6189022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1F41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
12:50 PM - 1:50 PM PST
Civil Discourse in the Classroom: Empowering Students to Engage in Contentious Issues
Engage your students in Civil Discourse on difficult, often contentious issues in history, politics, and current events! Through self-discovery of issues and consideration of multiple perspectives, students can find their voice to thoughtfully engage in open and civil discussion. Together we can help the next generation become better, more informed citizens who can contribute to a peaceful civil society.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: John Snoad Primary Contact: John Snoad
Location: Portland |
Location: Portland |
2023022412:5013:50 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
10:10 AM - 11:10 AM PST
California Educators Together; One Resource Hub To Rule Them All
CET is an online community for professional learning where educators can share ideas, collaborate on resources, and make connections to drive teaching and learning. Through this open platform, we want to create a place where teachers can exchange lessons and instructional materials in a creative way.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Sheri Dees Co-Presenter: Edward Gonzalez
Other K-12 Teachers and Administrators
Location: Prospector A |
Location: Prospector A |
2023022510:1011:10 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6589022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1641FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
9:40 AM - 10:40 AM PST
Economics through Inquiry: International Trade/ Globalization Unit
Participants will receive an overview of the C3 Framework Inquiry Arc and ways to implement planned inquiries within a High School Economics course through an International Trade/ Globalization Unit. This session will provide attendees with unit resources, tools to create their own inquiry-based lessons using the C3 Framework Inquiry Arc and resources to replicate the process in their own classrooms.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Karen Clark Yamamoto
Secondary/High School
Economics/Financial Literacy
Location: Prospector A |
Location: Prospector A |
2023022609:4010:40 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1B41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
10:50 AM - 11:50 AM PST
Fun In-Class Activities Illustrating Inflation, Unemployment, Fiscal and Monetary Policy
Do you teach history, government, and/or economics? Then this session about is for you. You''ll get web-based research and in-class interactive activities illustrating inflation, unemployment, fiscal and monetary policy that have your students access Federal Reserve data and source documents from the Reagan Library. Participants will receive gifts!
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Anthony Zambelli
Secondary/High School
Location: Prospector A |
Location: Prospector A |
2023022610:5011:50 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM PST
How do you make a difference? Four Worlds (4W) at a time!
A dream come true! 5th grade and middle school teachers are pioneering classroom materials and strategies that integrate the Four Worlds (4W) analytical tool. New lessons and samples of student work demonstrate success! The approach emphasizes how critical thinking skills are foundational to literacy skills. As students understanding of history deepens, their skills in language arts will grow.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Teresa Hudock
Other Grades 5-8
US History
Location: Prospector A |
Location: Prospector A |
2023022513:3014:30 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6589022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1741FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
12:50 PM - 1:50 PM PST
How is the NFL Connected to the Civil War?
Explore athlete activism and make connections between the American Civil War and the #TakeAKnee movement via six degrees of separation while analyzing primary and secondary sources. Google Slides and Nearpod will be utilized to share ideas and resources.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Raquel Solorzano-Duenas
US History
Location: Prospector A |
Location: Prospector A |
2023022412:5013:50 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
3:10 PM - 4:10 PM PST
Never Again? Teaching About Genocide Through the Words of Survivors
The word “genocide” did not exist prior to Hitler’s Holocaust. In this session participants will learn about the 10 stages of genocide and how to help high school students study two modern genocides through the words of individuals who survived them. By understanding that genocide does not happen overnight, students can become agents for peace in their communities.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Frank Pisi Co-Presenter: Laurel Kirchhoff
Secondary/High School
World History
Location: Prospector A |
Location: Prospector A |
2023022415:1016:10 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
11:20 AM - 12:20 PM PST
Not Your Dad’s Economics Course: Equitable, Real-World, and Fun!
Over the course of the early 21st century, our economic system has evolved and been transformed by technological, political, demographic forces and more; Students and even teachers may ask, what use is this old, theoretical course? Economics instruction is evolving and increasingly becoming something to practice. Discover a new way to 'Econ.'
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Joshua Mitton
Secondary/High School
Economics/Financial Literacy
Location: Prospector A |
Location: Prospector A |
2023022511:2012:20 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1B41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1641FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM PST
Positive Redundancy: The Key to Creating Historical Memory for Elementary Scholars
How often have you finished a social studies lesson and requested an exit ticket only to get monosyllabic answers from your students such as: "Uh, map?" or "I'm not sure." Join us to learn twenty different ways to use "positive redundancy" to create true historical memory among your students. The results might amaze you!
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Christy Sanders
Early Childhood/Elementary
Location: Prospector A |
Location: Prospector A |
2023022608:3009:30 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
5F89022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
2:40 PM - 3:40 PM PST
Teachers: Revolutionary Learners
Engage your learner mindset in this workshop illustrating the power of Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge teacher seminars, workshops, and institutes to connect all educators to their content and pedagogical passions!
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Jeff Scott
US History
Location: Prospector A |
Location: Prospector A |
2023022514:4015:40 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST
Visual Literacy: Do You See What I See?
This fun interactive session is about visual literacy for young students (K-5). Help students construct meaning and gain understanding by utilizing visual resources (pictures, maps, atlases, globes). We are going to focus on building and applying a toolbox of skills to images and share specific techniques to teach with multiple visuals.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Jennifer Carlson
Early Childhood/Elementary
Location: Prospector A |
Location: Prospector A |
2023022414:0015:00 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
5F89022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1F41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1741FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
4:20 PM - 5:20 PM PST
Why “Something Else” Matters in Grade 5 Social Studies Education
Engage with U.S. Supreme Court decisions (McGirt v. Oklahoma and Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta) regarding tribal sovereignty. How might you use such Court decisions in your grade 5 classroom for students to explore topics such as tribal sovereignty and governments? Analyze grade-appropriate, American Indian authored picture books in teaching concepts through American Indian perspectives.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Browning Neddeau
Early Childhood/Elementary
Ethnic Studies
Location: Prospector A |
Location: Prospector A |
2023022416:2017:20 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
5F89022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1E41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1641FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
4:20 PM - 5:20 PM PST
Leadership in Action: Learning Civics by Doing Civics
This session looks at how community organizations (Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute) and school communities (Santa Paula High School) collaborate to help students see themselves as the change makers. We step back and let them lead. By identifying issues that matter to them, they can step up to address them and lead their own communities.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Megan Gately Primary Contact: Megan Gately Co-Presenter: Richard Castaniero
Location: Prospector B |
Location: Prospector B |
2023022416:2017:20 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
11:20 AM - 12:20 PM PST
1-2-3 Launch! Building Excitement & Buy in for a Social Studies Unit
Ever wondered what inquiry in social studies actually looks and feels like in the classroom? How can you create buy in and excitement for an inquiry unit? What is informed action? Come to this special session to experience inquiry in social studies firsthand – and leave with resources, strategies, tools, and more.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Anne Matz Primary Contact: Anne Matz
Early Childhood/Elementary
US History
Location: Prospector B |
Location: Prospector B |
2023022511:2012:20 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
5F89022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
10:10 AM - 11:10 AM PST
Back to the Future: Multimedia Strategies for Engaging English Learners in History
In this session, we will examine an inclusive curriculum for an 8th-grade US History course that integrates Native American history into the origins of US History. Contrary to the CA State Standards and CAHSS Framework, we integrate our local indigenous communities into the narrative of the founding of America. Using multimedia platforms, we explore culturally relevant teaching practices.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Zachary Safi
Middle Level/Junior High
US History
Location: Prospector B |
Location: Prospector B |
2023022510:1011:10 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6189022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1641FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM PST
Beyond Washington and DuBois: Black Reformers in the Progressive Era
Explore how various Black Progressive reformers, especially Black women, fought for equality and worked to address issues affecting their communities during the Progressive Era. Broaden your teaching of this time period by learning about figures usually left out of textbooks and their diverse strategies and views. Take away strategies and resources for incorporating them into your curriculum!
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Marsha Greco
Secondary/High School
US History
Location: Prospector B |
Location: Prospector B |
2023022513:3014:30 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM PST
Book Club- Choice Book Literature Circles for Stimulating Conversations
We will look at award winning books I’ve used by subject area covering 6-8th grade social studies units (Contemporary African Cultures, US Revolutionary War, Japan, Immigration Studies, Inspirational Memoirs, WWII, East Asia, and Civil Rights) and how I introduce these, motivate students, set a pace, design open ended questions, and create an atmosphere conducive to reading groups.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Lori Stubben
Middle Level/Junior High
Global Studies
Location: Prospector B |
Location: Prospector B |
2023022608:3009:30 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6189022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1741FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
9:40 AM - 10:40 AM PST
Build Bridges to the Past, Present, and Future Through Literacy Strategies
Participants will engage in inquiry-driven history-social science learning through literacy-based strategies which support diverse learners through reading, speaking, listening, and writing using history-social science content that connects past and present perspectives and stories. Participants will take away inquiry activities, tools, book titles and resources that promote disciplinary literacy, reflective learning, collaborative conversations, and group critical thinking to process content.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Nancy Rogers-Zegarra Co-Presenter: Molly Snider
Early Childhood/Elementary
Location: Prospector B |
Location: Prospector B |
2023022609:4010:40 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
5F89022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST
Educators Scaling up Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion with Youth Civic Engagement
Engage to change teaching and leading for justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. In this session, a district’s journey will be shared, along with resources, tools and examples to support educators building capacity for change agency with youth and community partners. Methods include school culture and climate data analysis with the local control and accountability (LCAP) process, YPAR, and continuous improvement.
Presenter: Co-Presenter: Jennifer Elemen Lead Presenter: Tamisha Allen Smith Lead Presenter: Leticia Diaz-Garcia
Location: Prospector B |
Location: Prospector B |
2023022414:0015:00 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6489022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
2:40 PM - 3:40 PM PST
Learning How to Take Action on Social Issues in Elementary Classrooms
Elementary teachers, in collaboration with university methods instructors, create lessons in which children are engaged in learning about, and taking action on, social issues. These inquiry based lessons focus on current social issues that are both widespread and locally relevant. They illustrate for children what everyday people can do to improve the lives of others through feasible and meaningful action.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Rebecca Valbuena
Early Childhood/Elementary
Location: Prospector B |
Location: Prospector B |
2023022514:4015:40 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
5F89022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
3:10 PM - 4:10 PM PST
Rebooting Social Studies: Strategies that Foster Literacy, Engagement, and Citizenship
Social Studies is integral in bolstering literary skills while positively influencing active, empathetic citizenship, so why do students dislike social studies? Social Studies in the elementary classroom is a perfect place to integrate in-depth critical thinking skills that challenge students and foster empathy and tolerance. Explore teacher-friendly strategies, resources, and activities that will change students’ attitudes toward social studies.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Cathy Marston
Early Childhood/Elementary
Environmental Literacy
Location: Prospector B |
Location: Prospector B |
2023022415:1016:10 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
5F89022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1D41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1741FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
12:50 PM - 1:50 PM PST
The Soundtrack of History: Engaging Ways to Incorporate Music in the Classroom.
Participants will discover methods to use music in the classroom. For example, participants will receive lesson plans and engaging ideas for incorporating music into their own classrooms and curriculum. Such as using walk up songs for students, lesson plans that use music to guide through historical narratives. Additionally, creating opportunities for students to document their own histories using music.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Erik Chaffino
US History
Location: Prospector B |
Location: Prospector B |
2023022412:5013:50 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
10:50 AM - 11:50 AM PST
Toward Informed Civic Action: From Ethnic Studies to State Seal
There is no single story of how California school districts are writing, revising, or otherwise ramping up their ethnic studies offerings. This session will trace the journey of Pajaro Valley Unified School District, who, starting with just one engaged teacher, have built an interdisciplinary ethnic studies program that prepares learners to earn the State Seal of Civic Engagement.
Presenter: Primary Speaker: Claudia Monjaras
Secondary/High School
Ethnic Studies
Location: Prospector B |
Location: Prospector B |
2023022610:5011:50 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1E41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1641FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
12:00 PM - 5:30 PM PST
Location: Salon 1-9 |
Location: Salon 1-9 |
2023022412:0017:30 000 | FRI, FEB 24 | |||
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM PST
Location: Salon 1-9 |
Location: Salon 1-9 |
2023022507:3017:30 000 | SAT, FEB 25 | |||
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
8:00 AM - 10:30 AM PST
Location: Salon 1-9 |
Location: Salon 1-9 |
2023022608:0010:30 000 | SUN, FEB 26 | |||
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
9:40 AM - 10:40 AM PST
Planning with Language in Mind to Support Multilingual Learners
This session will provide participants with a way to think about planning history-social science lessons with language in mind. How can we help ALL student access complex and challenging texts while simultaneously supporting language development? We'll discuss strategies that focus on supporting students in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
All session information can be found at: Presenter: Lead Presenter: Chris Lewis
Emerging Billingual Support
Location: Salon A |
Location: Salon A |
2023022609:4010:40 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1C41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1741FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
10:50 AM - 11:50 AM PST
Want Equity? Shift Your Focus from Arid Skills to Fertile Knowledge.
Something''s wrong with our skills-obsessed schools: as disadvantaged students proceed through them, they fall farther and farther behind their advantaged peers. But it doesn''t have to be this way. France''s more knowledge focused schools did the opposite: they shrank the "achievement gap". This session will show how a knowledge-rich curriculum is the royal road to reading comprehension and higher achievement.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Benjamin Foley
World History
Location: Salon A |
Location: Salon A |
2023022610:5011:50 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6089022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1741FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM PST
Where Did Antisemitism Come From :Exploring the Origins of Antisemitismin European History
Where does antisemitism come from? The phenomenon is over 2,000 years old, yet courses that deal with the Holocaust donot often consider pre-20th century history. This session outlines the larger context of antisemitism and offers the content teachers need, throughinteractive primary sources, to help students understand the origins and history of this form of hatred.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Kristen Hallahan
World History
Location: Salon A |
Location: Salon A |
2023022608:0009:30 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
10:50 AM - 11:50 AM PST
Civic Engagement? How to Help Your Students Earn the State Seal
If you are looking for ways to engage your students in civics and help their college and employment applications stand out, this session is for you! Learn about the California State Seal of Civic Engagement and how the Civic Action Project can help your students take steps towards earning the seal and become engaged members of a democracy!
Presenter: Co-Presenter: Laura Wesley Co-Presenter: Gregorio Medina
Secondary/High School
Location: Salon B |
Location: Salon B |
2023022610:5011:50 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM PST
InterStudent. A way to run groups in your social studies classroom. Canceled
The session will begin with the philosophy of the InterStudent program, and how it can be used for Economics and most social studies classrooms, including the Trivium Debate.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Bret Barker
Secondary/High School
Economics/Financial Literacy
Location: Salon B |
Location: Salon B |
2023022608:0009:30 000 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1B41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
9:40 AM - 10:40 AM PST
Leveraging Social Justice Standards to Design Transformative Learning Experiences
Come join us to deepen your understanding of identity, diversity, justice, and action in education. Explore the connection between the Social Justice Standards and culturally responsive pedagogy, and consider how that connection applies to the lesson design process. Take steps toward creating learning experiences that build the foundation of a just and safe environment for students.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Tina Starks Lead Presenter: Leigh Dela Victoria
Location: Salon B |
Location: Salon B |
2023022609:4010:40 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6089022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2341FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1641FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST
Using WWII Oral Histories for Diverse Learners
Explore the use of oral histories for universal design in the classroom. Learn to use WWII oral histories to provide content to a diverse learning population. The use of oral histories strengthens students’ connection to history through first-person narratives, bringing the history of the past into today. Each registered participant will receive a National WWII Museum curriculum kit.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Amy Hansel Co-Presenter: Bernadette M Weissmann Co-Presenter: David Gracia
US History
Location: Salon B |
Location: Salon B |
2023022612:0013:00 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
12:50 PM - 1:50 PM PST
What’s New at iCivics? Elementary, Middle, & High School
Come for the games... stay for our ever-growing library of 290+ FREE resources. Learn to
implement our new MIDDLE and HIGH SCHOOL bite-sized video library, ELEMENTARY
Private i History Detectives, newest games, and much more. We know teachers need great lessons that both engage students and save them time planning.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Michael Reyes Primary Contact: Michael Reyes
Location: Ponderosa |
Location: Ponderosa |
2023022412:5013:50 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6089022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM PST
Boost your Teaching Toolbox: 20 Ready-to-Use Civics/Leadership Resources for 4-12th grades
Add ready to use lessons to your toolbox and learn about the many simulations, curriculum, programs, and scholarships opportunities that are available from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Most resources and programs are free or have scholarships available. Join us in our mission to help create the next generation of citizen leaders.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Cynthia Herrera Primary Contact: Cynthia Herrera
Location: Ponderosa |
Location: Ponderosa |
2023022513:3014:30 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
11:20 AM - 12:20 PM PST
Building a Multicultural Social Studies Program
Discover how to design social studies courses that enable students to examine history through multicultural and interdisciplinary lenses. Challenge the master narrative by building connections between Ethnic Studies and African American Studies at the high school level. Walk away with a course framework, sample lessons, and activities that can be implemented in any social studies course.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Chellyn Boquiren Co-Presenter: Marsha Greco
Secondary/High School
Ethnic Studies
Location: Ponderosa |
Location: Ponderosa |
2023022511:2012:20 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1E41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
10:10 AM - 11:10 AM PST
Challenging injustice: Every School. Every Class. Every Student.
Do you want to create an inclusive classroom environment where students learn the importance of challenging injustice, but don’t know where to start? This session will provide educators with the resources and strategies necessary to lay the foundation that all students need to be informed and active proponents of peace and understanding.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Laurel Kirchhoff Co-Presenter: Frank Pisi
Other K-8
Ethnic Studies
Location: Ponderosa |
Location: Ponderosa |
2023022510:1011:10 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6589022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1E41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1841FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
3:10 PM - 4:10 PM PST
Contested Landscapes
Participants will use New American History tools/resources including Bunk, American Panorama, the BackStory archive, & video segments from "The Future of America''s Past" to explore themes of redlining, urban renewal, racial covenants, segregated communities, monuments, and contested iconography on the cultural, political and physical landscapes. Access to a classroom-ready slide deck and OER resources will be shared during the session.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Annie Evans
Secondary/High School
US History
Location: Ponderosa |
Location: Ponderosa |
2023022415:1016:10 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST
Deconstructing Democracy with EduProtocols Canceled
This session will give participants a chance to break down democracy in ways that all students can access. Participants will learn 5 different EduProtocols that can be used when they return to class. Each strategy can be used in multiple subjects.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Brianna Davis
Location: Ponderosa |
Location: Ponderosa |
2023022414:0015:00 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023 |
Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
2:40 PM - 3:40 PM PST
Re-envisioning Our Broken Social Contract- Responding to Ongoing Civil Unrest
Come learn how to incorporate an ethnic studies lens to a topic students struggle to engage with at times, the enlightenment. This unit presentation highlights how critically interrogating our country’s social contract and assessing if it is meeting the needs of ALL citizens helps students connect the past and the present and re-envision a more just future.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Cindy Mata
Ethnic Studies
Location: Ponderosa |
Location: Ponderosa |
2023022514:4015:40 001 | SAT, FEB 25 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1E41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023 |
Friday, Feb 24, 2023
4:20 PM - 5:20 PM PST
Teaching LGBTQ+ History: A Past Reclaimed
Disinformation about social emotional learning, critical race theory, and accurate history have dominated education conversations placing many communities in danger of being erased from curriculum. In California, the FAIR Act passed in 2011 for more inclusive history. Learn the history of the FAIR Act, history and social science content for the classroom, and methods of advocacy.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Rick Oculto
US History
Location: Ponderosa |
Location: Ponderosa |
2023022416:2017:20 001 | FRI, FEB 24 |
6089022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1941FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
10:50 AM - 11:50 AM PST
“My Teachers Just Assume…”: Sikh Students’ Stories and Strategies to Increase Understanding
The Sikh community has been present in California for over 120 years, yet Sikh students still regularly encounter assumptions and bullying in school due to a lack of understanding from peers and teachers. Sharing insights from interviews with thirty Sikh students, this session will address their most common experiences and discuss ways to increase understanding of Sikhi through curricular resources.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Kate Soules Co-Presenter: Mirin Phool
Ethnic Studies
Location: Salon D |
Location: Salon D |
2023022610:5011:50 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1E41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1641FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
9:40 AM - 10:40 AM PST
Fostering Community, Understanding, and Growth Through Civil Dialogue Canceled
Participants will explore meaningful methods for creating, building, and fostering civil dialogue techniques with your students. These methods help increase content understanding, promote social-emotional learning, and maintain community among students.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Kevin Lynch
Location: Salon D |
Location: Salon D |
2023022609:4010:40 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1A41FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST
Powerful Analysis: Women’s Legal Rights from Couverture to Dobbs
The 2022 Dobbs decision again makes women’s legal rights a paramount issue. Using major cases on women’s rights (Reed, Roe & Dobbs), this workshop demonstrates a focused & accessible analytical framework for understanding court cases & putting them in historical context. This teaching method is a proven structured means for developing disciplined analytical & writing skills.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Robert Eager
Secondary/High School
US History
Location: Salon D |
Location: Salon D |
2023022612:0013:00 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6389022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1541FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4041FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 |
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM PST
Ungoogleable! Taking History-Social Science students from Writing Summaries to Original Synthesis
Make history-social science assignments “Ungoogleable” and teach your students how to move from copying and pasting (aka plagiarism) to true analysis and synthesis of research, thought and perspectives (student voice!). Media and digital literacy strategies provide the basis for students to share their authentic voice in the digital age of learning.
Presenter: Lead Presenter: Laurel Kirchhoff Co-Presenter: Whitney Olson
US History
Location: Salon D |
Location: Salon D |
2023022608:0009:30 001 | SUN, FEB 26 |
6289022C-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 2441FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 1741FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD 4141FB31-53DC-EC11-80F2-D7FC6019C8AD |