Rebecca Valbuena and Chris Lewis, Co-Chairs of the 61st Annual CCSS Conference, want to warmly welcome you. 

 California Council for the Social Studies is a non-profit professional organization serving both public and private school educators. We represent the leading voice for quality social studies education in California, committed to strengthening the teaching and learning of history-social studies through standards-based professional development, resource sharing, and public awareness and advocacy through strategic partnerships at the local, state and national levels.

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Our primary goal is to educate our students so that they understand the value and fragility of our democracy, develop a keen sense of ethics and citizenship, and care deeply about the quality of life in their communities, nation, and world.

As an organization of educators, we recognize that this past year has been one of change, turmoil, and countless classroom challenges. It is now, more than ever, that we must lean on one another to “Connect, Collaborate and Construct” new possibilities for educating our students, and propose solutions in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, a shifting political landscape, and increased violence against people of color. This conference provides invaluable time and space for us to consider research, scholarship, best practices, and what it means to teach and learn social studies in a new era, with every one of our students.

 We would like to thank everyone who submitted a proposal to present. It was extraordinarily difficult selecting the sessions for this year’s conference. We know there were many valuable proposals that we were unable to place into our schedule. Those that were chosen made it through a highly competitive process, involving multiple readings from volunteer educators, and we are confident that the sessions available throughout this conference are of the highest value. We know there will be some exciting learning happening. 

 We’d like to extend our gratitude to the CCSS22 Conference Committee, a dedicated and talented group of people who volunteered their time to make sure this conference happened. We’d also like to express our gratitude for our exhibitors and sponsors. We appreciate your tremendous involvement and we rely on you to provide our membership with the best kind of support, information, and resources. 

 Most of all we want to thank all the people willing to spend a weekend with CCSS actively seeking to learn and improve their practice. This conference has served California’s social studies educators for 61 years because of you. Now, enjoy yourselves, learn, network, and find the inspiration to continue the amazing work you do. 

© 2025

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