Health & Safety Guidelines

Health & Safety Guidelines

Updated: March 9, 2022

Registered AttendeesFor a list of what testing, vaccinations and booster requirements will be to attend events during the Expo, click here (Updated March 9th). We will be checking for each of these during our onsite check-in process and will issue badge identifiers. Each badge will be checked by an ASTA staff member upon entering activities. For any questions, please check our FAQs page.

ASTA's Event(s) COVID Safety Requirements 

We are committed to providing all attendees with a safe experience during our in-person events. Individuals who are unable or unwilling to abide by the requirements below will not be permitted to enter ASTA events. The below are required to attend ASTA-hosted events during the Expo.

Proof of a COVID-19 Vaccination 

ASTA follows the U.S. CDC guidelines. One is considered fully vaccinated 14 days after the second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines OR 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson's Janssen vaccine. You will be required to show your physical vaccination card or a clear photo of your vaccination card and a photo ID at the ASTA Registration Desk upon arrival. Note: Hungary does recognize the above-mentioned vaccines as well as Sinopharm and Sputnik V. 

Hungary's Entry & Exit Requirements

With regulations changing frequently, please visit the U.S. Embassy in Hungary's website for the most updated information. 


With the exception of eating, drinking or swimming, the wearing of masks is mandatory at all times during ASTA events. This is inclusive of registration, education sessions, tours and the tradeshow (where applicable). Depending on the location of the Educational Journey, we require attendees to follow the mask mandates in place. 

Q: Are COVID vaccinations and masks required to participate in ship inspections and meals onboard ships?

A: Due to recent river cruise line policy changes, booster shots will be mandatory for ship inspections, lunches, and dinners. Vaccination verification will be conducted before boarding the ship for various activities. As you sign up for your ship inspections, we ask you to keep this in mind. For a list of what will be required in terms of test, vaccinations and boosters click here.

Q: Will there be COVID testing available for departures from Hungary?

A:  COVID-19 Testing will be made available at the Marriott and Kempinski on March 19th & 20th. Please visit our FAQs page or the Attendee Service Center for more information on pricing and how to sign up.


Q: I am on a post cruise and I want to know the latest regulations for each destination on the itinerary. Where can I get the most updated information for these requirements?

A:  As you know, COVID-19 regulations change rapidly. We recommend you use Sherpa to stay on top of the latest requirements. 

Q: Are COVID vaccinations and masks required to participate in a post-event cruise?

A: Each cruise line's vaccination and mask requirements apply to ASTA Global River Expo post-cruises. Please visit the company's website for complete details. For a list of what testing, vaccinations and booster requirements will be to attend events during the Expo, click here.


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