Art Supplies

             You do not have to be a member to buy art supplies
[ Scroll down to see these and much more ! ]

Set of 17 Sennelier Colors, and a free copy of ...
      TOM LYNCH..


   Only $99.00 (reg. $120 plus shipping !)

You do not have to be a member of ART ACADEMY LIVE to order art supplies
     or register for art classes
 Here are the instructions to place an order... 'ADD TO CART' 'CHECKOUT ' [ do not fill in address data yet ] 'NEW ACCOUNT' [ even though you are not intending to join ]
...fill in info click ' CONTINUE '
...check that your order is correct, click 'CONTINUE'
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   You will receive an email confirmation 
Description Price
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Membership Special

Join Art Academy Live for 10 months and receive an additional 2 months for FREE.
In addition you will receive a link to watch a full length DVD DEMONSTRATION.  This is a total savings of $30 + $29.95 ( $59.95 ) Join now before this offer ends !

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Porcelain Palette Porcelain Palette

This is the palette that Tom Lynch uses to create his colorful paintings. Porcelain allows the color to float and merge with other colors.This is one of his favorite tools and he immediately saw a difference in his paintings when he changed from a plastic palette to porcelain.
PRICE is only $ 115.00!    (Retail value of this palette is over $155 )
SHIPPING ! ...$15-(USA )

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10---'DOT' Spray Bottles 10----'DOT Spray Bottles

Tom Lynch custom ' DOT '  spray bottles ( Yellow top, Purple neck ) emit a pattern of spray that makes a variety of sizes which is great for the painting of...trees...leaves...grass...roads...branches...waves...texture beaches...and SO much more
. See the FREE instruction video in ' WHAT'S NEW ' ..and below
PRICE...$32.00 for 10  [you do not need to be a member to buy ] 
See 'steps to follow to purchase' above ...

Plus $7.00 Shipping and handling.  ( U.S.A )-( IL. add 8.5 % tax )
Contact MR. LYNCH for more

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FREE--'DOT' Spray Bottle video

See Tom Lynch explain his 'DOT' Spray Bottles. ( Yellow top, Purple neck )
Click PREVIEW VIDEO to see free Video demonstration
You do not need to be a member to purchase.  
Preview Video

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Tom Lynch's 17 Sennelier 'Palette Colors '

This is the complete set of 17 colors that Tom Lynch uses in his palette and spray bottles. They are the large tube size ( 21 ml ). Sennelier has been making paint for over a century using the best pigments. This combination of honey and Gum Arabic offers a smooth, bright texture and lively colorful shades. These paints are produced without ox gall so that dry color can be re-wet with ease.
No more wasted paint laying in your palette.
Red Orange
Opera Rose
Burnt Sienna
Cerulean Blue
Cobalt Blue
Lemon Yellow
Hookers Green
Alizarin Crimson
Sennelier Yellow Deep
Phthalo Green Light
Blue Indanthrene
Phthalo Green Deep
Sennelier Red
Permanent Magenta 
Ultramarine Deep
Yellow Ochre Light
Phthalo Blue deep

 With this order you will receive a  FREE signed copy of 
Tom Lynch's 'WATERCOLOR SECRETS BOOK'   ( $25 value )
PRICE... $229   ( retail value is $345 )...Plus $16 shipping and handling
  ( IL. add 8.5 % tax )

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6 - TOM LYNCH ' DOT ' Spray Bottles

 These custom made ' DOT ' spray bottles ( Yellow top, Purple neck ) emit a pattern of spray that makes a variety of size dots. This pattern is great for creating -  leaves...grass...roads...branches...waves...texture...edges...and  SO much more!
See the ' DOT ' spray bottle demonstrated in the 'WHAT'S NEW' and the SNIPPETS sections. Contact MR LYNCH for more details..
PRICE..$21 for 6 [ $3.50 each] ...( MIn. OF 6 )   
You do not need to be a member to purchase 
See ' steps to follow to purchase ' above 
Plus $8.00 Shipping and handling ( U.S.A.)
( IL add 8.5% tax )

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Porcelain Palette VIDEO

Watch Tom Lynch explain why his porcelain palette is so important to him in the SNIPPETS section. Retail value of his palette is over $120. The price is only $ 99.00!
or copy and paste this link

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This 3/4 inch full flat brush is the brush most used by Mr. Lynch. This brush is made from the 'best of the best' brush hairs ..100%.SABLE !  A natural hair brush holds 66% more moisture that a synthetic brush. The added unique features are
... 'extra length out'
...'bigger belly'
...and 'long handle'.
These custom features allow you to paint with the edge, side, corner, and belly unlike any other brush.  Mr. Lynch uses this brush for his studio, workshop, and plein-air paintings. With this brush he creates over 75% of his paintings with this one brush.
" It's not the number of brushes you have , it's the quality that matters ", says Mr. Lynch. 
Sable brushes will soon be in short supply and the cost is increasing, so buy now.
 PRICE...$120  ... ( retail value $174)... Plus $  6 shipping ( U.S.A. )
... receive a  FREE 1/8 sable flat brush with purchase ( IL. 8.5 % tax )

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This brush has all the same features as the 3/4 sable brush that Mr.Lynch uses only is a smaller size. 
PRICE... $59..  ( Retail value is $93 )  Plus $4 for shipping ( U.S.A. )
( IL. add 8.5% tax )

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The unique quality of this brush is its' long length out and full belly. It is made of  100% sable hair. This brush has a long handle that allows you to to paint loose.  Sable hair holds 2/3 more moisture than a synthetic brush. Watch as Mr. Lynch uses the side, corner, and the point for a variety of brush marks. 
PRICE... $32...( retail value $49 )...   $7 for shipping ! ( U.S.A. )
( IL add 8.5 % tax )

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Deluxe Watercolor Brush Set Deluxe Watercolor Brush Set

Here is your opportunity to have the 4 primary brushes that Mr. Lynch uses. These brushes are made from the finest kolinsky sable hairs. Included with this purchase
... 3/4 inch 100% sable  flat brush [ retail is $174 for this brush alone ! ]
... 1/2 inch -100% sable flat brush-[ retail is $93 for this brush ]
... #8 sable liner brush - 100% sable flat brush [ retail is $43 for this brush ]
... #16 round   ( blended with 50% natural sable hair )
You will receive a FREE General Pencil Kit. ( This kit includes 1 sketch & wash pencil, 2 watercolor pencils, 1 charcoal white pencil, pencil sharpener; brush cleaner, and eraser ! ) 
Sable hair will soon be unavailable and or so overpriced it will be difficult to buy.
Buy NOW while supply last. 

 PRICE... $235...( retail value over $337 ) cost if purchased individually is $257-
 $8 for shipping... ( U.S.A. )
    ( Il. 8.5% tax ) 

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Tom Lynch prefers this frisket for its' unique quality of drying clear. Tom applies the white mask not only on the white paper but over dry color as well. This liquid frisket allows the color it is protecting to be seen through. You can see this product demonstrated in many of Tom's snippets and live demos.
PRICE 26 ... Plus $9 for shipping ! ( U.S.A. )
Due to high shipping costs this product must be included with an additional item ordered.
( IL add 8.5 % tax )

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Secret Composition Tool Secret Composition Tool

Tom Lynch has created a unique device that allows the artist to ...develop a composition, add or make changes, make a value plan, to transfer that layout with ease to the final surface. Tom has used this tool both in the plein-air setting and now working from photos in his studio. The dry erase marker makes for easy corrections and bold value studies. The red filter allows the artist to see their subject in tone vs.color. The grid allows for easy transfer of the composition.
 See this device demonstrated in the  'WHATS NEW' section.

 PRICE... $29.95. .. Plus $6 for shipping  ( U.S.A.)
PLUS... Receive a FREE composition finder
( IL add 8.5 % tax )


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30 half sheets of 300# Gemini Watercolor Paper Gemini Watercolor Paper

30  ( half sheets 15x22 ) of 300# GEMINI  ( cold press ) watercolor paper. The professional grade paper for artists that like a forgiving surface for removing dry color with ease and repainting over the area of lifting because of its' strong internal sizing. This was the paper of choice for TOM LYNCH for 15 years.
SPECIAL PRICE ...  $75... ( RETAIL VALUE $300 )
SHIPPING COST OF $24   ( U.S.A. only )
TOTAL PRICE... $99  
 ( Il.. add 8.5% tax )

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Size # 16 Designer Round Watercolor Brush Designer round brush

This is the 'custom' round watercolor brush that Tom Lynch uses. It has a unique extended point and is made of 50% [sable] natural hair. Mr. Lynch says " this  brush has an amazing point and is a great value ". You can use the side and point for both for fine line and broad brushstrokes. 
Due to high shipping costs this product must be included with an additional item ordered.
PRICE ... $ 25... (retail value $30 )... Plus $4 for shipping  ! ( U.S.A. )
( IL. add 8.5 % tax )

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8-DOT...2 -Fine Mist Bottles

This bottle set includes 8 DOT bottles (Yellow top, Purple neck ) and 2 FINE MIST bottles. Tom Lynch uses these DOT bottles to create a variety of items and SO much more. The fine mist bottles are used to spray out diluted paint to modify the 4 sides of the painting causing the focal point to glow!
See more details and videos in the snippets section.
 PRICE ... $32... ( retail price is $35 )... Plus $7.00 shipping and handling  (U.S.A.)
 ( il add 8.5 % tax )

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Mask Pen

This liquid frisket applicator pen can apply a fine line for ...ropes ...wires ...lines.. highlights and more. This pen is easy to use with a special cap insuring that the pen never clogs and is always ready to use.The pale blue color is easy to see, can be removed easily and will protect the white paper from watercolor paint.
PRICE... $18... ( retail price is $22 )... Plus $7 for shipping ( U.S.A. )
Due to high shipping costs this product must be included with an additional item ordered.
( IL. 8.5 % tax )

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40 Half-Sheets of #140 Gemini [ cold press ] Watercolor Paper

40-- 1/2  sheets ( 22X15 ) of 140# GEMINI  ( cold press ) watercolor paper. The professional grade paper for artists that like a forgiving surface for removing dry color with ease and repainting over the area of lifting because of its' strong internal sizing. This has been the recommended paper of artist TOM LYNCH for over 15 years.
 SPECIAL PRICE... $75...( Retail value $200 )
SHIPPING COST OF $24   ( U.S.A. only )
TOTAL PRICE... $99  ( Il.. add 8.5% tax )

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Workshop Art Supply Basics

Great for the student who is entering a TOM LYNCH workshop and needs the basic set of supplies. This set includes...
...5 sheets of 140#  'Extra white' FABRIANO watercolor paper 16x20
...2 sheets of 300#  'Extra white' FABRIANO watercolor paper 16x20 
...8 DOT bottles ( Yellow top / Purple neck )  2 Fine Mist bottles... ( 10 total )
...5 SENNELIER colors [ 21 ml.]  Tom refers to them as ' IMPACT ' colors for               focal point, sunlight & shadow,
Phthalo Blue, Lemon Yellow, Opera Rose, Phthalo Green lt., Blue Indanthrene 

 PRICE...  $134.00   ( retail value $187 )   Plus $15 shipping and handling
( IL RESIDENT 8.5 % tax )

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Fabriano ( Extra White ) Watercolor Paper [ 5 & 2 ]

Fabriano has been making paper for over 7 centuries. They are praised the world over as being the finest Art papers used by artists, Michelangelo, Raphael and many others. The ' EXTRA WHITE '  is naturally made without the use of optical brighteners or bleach so as to maintain it's ARCHIVAL quality. 
This set includes...
 5 sheets of 140#   15x22- ( 1/2 sheets ) 
 2 sheets of 300#  15x22  - (1/2 sheets ).
 PRICE...  $34.00    ( retail value is $59 )...   Plus $15 shipping and handling
 ( IL. add 8.5% tax)
Plus receive a FREE signed print  

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40 Half-Sheets of #140 Gemini Watercolor Paper


40-- 1/2  sheets ( 22X15 ) of 140# GEMINI  ( cold press ) watercolor paper. The professional grade paper for artists that like a forgiving surface for removing dry color with ease and repainting over the area of lifting because of its' strong internal sizing. 

.PRICE SPECIAL... $99...( Retail value $220 )...( Il. add 8.5% tax )

 PRICE INCLUDES FREE SHIPPING for a limited time  ( U.S.A. )

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TOM LYNCH... 150 Workshop " CHARTS BOOK " [ revised edition ] 2021 55.00

The most comprehensive watercolor book on the market. There are over 150 visual teaching guides covering 13 topics. Tom refers to this book as his encyclopedia on watercolor painting. These visuals answer any question on , Techniques, Color, Composition, Values, Unity, First Wash, Think Like and Artist, Preliminary Color Studies, Checklist For Success, Materials, Spray Bottle Techniques, Photography, & The Wow Factor !  You will also see over 70 pictures  of Tom's award winning paintings. 
PRICE IS $55.00     
For a limited time 


Tom Lynch SECRETS book

This book is designed for the artist that wants to create successful FINISHED works of art.
Tom showcases the 7 chapters in 4 different ways. How he creates finished STUDIO paintings he creates PLEIN-AIR he teaches his process for finished paintings in his WORKSHOPS... and how he CORRECTS STUDENT PAINTINGS.
Prime members and students will receive free a signed print and FREE shipping.

Total Records: 23

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