Welcome to the ACPA23 Call for Ancillary Requests form. Select the "Start" button below to submit an ancillary request for the ACPA23 Convention. Ancillary Requests include all requests for space that are not considered to be formal educational sessions. Ancillary Requests include receptions, socials, gatherings, meetings, meet-ups, etc. Note: If the meeting/event will take place multiple days, a separate request must be submitted for each day. If you have questions regarding Ancillary requests, please contact the ACPA23 Convention Team at conventionprograms@acpa.nche.edu. The Deadline to submit Ancillary Requests is Friday, 23 September, 2022 for ACPA Entity Groups (Coalitions, Networks, Commissions, Chapters, Communities of Practice) and Friday, 04 November, 2022 for all other requests.