ACPA23 Registration Site
ACPA last visited New Orleans in 1986, and we are excited to return to this space for our 99th birthday! New Orleans is known as Balbancha in Choctaw – a place of other languages – and it is here where so many bodies of water, roads, and cultures converge that experience excitement at the potential for welcoming so many new members. As we approach our 100th anniversary, we want to celebrate the growth and direction of the association, as well as the unique historic, cultural, and racial justice opportunities presented by our host city.
How can we leverage the energy of this fantastic city to find meaningful connection with new colleague-members? How can the momentum of so many years of local and ACPA history carry us toward new opportunities and goals – individually, institutionally, and as a field? Lastly, how will the wisdom of this space we will be visiting translate into opportunities to envision tangible action toward a more racially just and decolonized future?
Approaching ACPA23, we recognize the difficulties many in our association encountered with justifying and locating resources for attending an in-person Convention. We look forward to planning a Convention that considers carefully issues of financial accessibility and personal safety and look forward to engaging with you on those possibilities.