Program Schedule

Earn up to 12 Professional Development Hours by attending designated case studies and presentations given by industry experts. The Symposium Program offers detailed information, recent research, best practices and a broad range of composite solutions for chemical processing applications. When registering, attendees can request an electronic certificate to verify completed hours via the online Symposium Registration Form.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012
7:30 AM - 8:00 AM Welcome Breakfast
Included with conference registration.
8:00 AM - 8:15 AM Welcome and Introduction
Opening Remarks by Workshop Chairman, Thom Johnson, Ashland Performance Materials.
8:15 AM - 9:00 AM Case Study: Using Composites in Chlor-Alkali Plants
KBR will present material selections and piping methods to best utilize FRP and dual-laminate FRP in the design and construction of Chlor-Alkali plants. Composite materials will be compared to exotic metallics compatible with Chlor-Alkali industry services, and an overview provided of the economic advantages of composites.


Justin Merritt
Chemical Process Dept. Manager
KBR Engineering

Rick Corbett
Senior Project Manager - Engineering
KBR Engineering
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM Case Study: Chlorine Dioxide - Using Composites in Pulp and Paper Applications
The processing of wood to paper requires the use of highly corrosive chemicals, such as alkalies, bleaches and salt – and in turn requires process equipment specially designed to handle a variety of harsh chemical environments throughout the mill. FRP equipment has proven to be an exceptionally cost-effective, corrosion-resistant alternative for process fluid environments where conventional metals quickly fail. It can be employed as piping, ductwork, tanks, hoods, scrubbers and stacks.

Speaker: Terry Cowley, DuPont
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Refreshment Break
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM Case Study: Hydrochloric Acid and FRP - Past, Present and Future
This presentation offers a review of past research and construction, information on existing installations and recommendations. It also offers inspection insights that will have an effect on future use and applications.


Dale Keeler, Non-Metallic SME
Dow Chemical Company
10:45 AM - 11:30 AM Case Study: Uses of FRP Construction for Corrosion Resistance in Sulfuric and Phosphoric Acid Applications
Many years ago it was traditional to use various grades of stainless steels and high nickel alloys in Sulfuric and Phosphoric acid applications. However, we have been specifying FPR composites for vessels and piping with great success and cost effectiveness for many years. This presentation will explore these uses, advantages and limitations.


Tino Prado, President
Prado & Associates
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Lunch in the Exhibit Hall
Included in conference registration.
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM Hot Wet Chlorine Case Study: PPG Lake Charles – Over 30 Years of FRP
PPG Lake Charles utilizes a variety of highly corrosive chemical manufacturing processes which place significant demands upon materials of construction used in process vessels, piping, and tanks. Over the last 30 years PPG has accumulated a wealth of knowledge as to which materials work best in which environments. This presentation focuses on case studies highlighting which FRP materials work best in these demanding industrial environments.


Dr. Pu Gu, Senior Research Associate
PPG Industries, Inc.
1:45 PM - 2:30 PM Gas-Tight FRP Flange Connections
Strict regulations on reliability and fugitive emissions at flange connections lead DuPont Engineering and several of its alliance vendors to create and validate a gas-tight FRP flange connection for critical FRP service. This presentation will discuss the results of a program that developed a robust FRP flange system incorporating expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) based gaskets and achieved a gas-tight T3 seal.


Deborah McCauley, PECT Consultant
2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Refreshment Break
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM Case Study: Material Choices for Bromine Service
Chemical processes involving Bromine are a special challenge. Albemarle has been handling brine and elemental bromine for decades. No one material is suitable for all processes. This paper will share best practices in bromine service for a variety of environments.


Hardin Wells, Senior Advisor of Mechanical Tech Service
Albemarle Corporation
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Panel Discussion
Hear your colleagues’ chemical processing
questions – and ask your own – while gaining
insights from industry experts during this
one and a half hour session featuring the
day’s case study presenters.

Terry Cowley
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall
Network with fellow symposium attendees and the day's speakers, in the Exhibit Hall, while exploring the latest products and services.

Included in conference registration
Thursday, May 24, 2012
7:15 AM - 8:00 AM Networking Breakfast
Enjoy breakfast in the Exhibit Hall. Sponsored by Reichhold.

Included in conference registration.
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM Composites in Chemical Processing
FRP tanks, piping, ducting and process equipment have been used successfully in chemical processing for more than half a century. The combination of durability and economy make composites a preferred choice over specialty metals in a myriad of chemical processing environments. This presentation will highlight where and why FRP equipment shines in chemical processing.


Thom Johnson, Corrosion Industry Manager
Ashland Performance Materials
8:45 AM - 9:30 AM Proper Design of FRP Equipment Using Corrosion-Resistant Resins
Many resins are available for making FRP equipment. Choosing the correct resin and corrosion barrier is critical to having a successful application. An overview of the current resins will be given and the procedures used to determine what environments the resins are suitable. The information needed to make resin and corrosion barrier recommendation for an application will also be discussed.


Michael G. Stevens, Research Scientist
Ashland Performance Materials
9:30 AM - 10:15 AM Proper Design of FRP Equipment Using Corrosion-Resistant Reinforcements
The impact of resin corrosion resistance in composite performance has been clearly established for decades. ASTM C581 is the standard that benchmarks these resins. No less important is the corrosion resistance performance of reinforcements. Glass fiber is often thought of as impervious to chemicals, but there is a broad range of chemicals that attack glass fiber. Recognizing this and designing with the correct reinforcements can extend composite life and avoid catastrophic failures.


Kevin Spoo, Research Associate
Owens Corning
10:15 AM - 10:30 AM Refreshment Break
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM RTP-1, A Standard for FRP Storage Tanks
This presentation will explore the merits of RTP-1 and its requirements for certification. The realities of design in accordance with RTP-1, but no stamp required will be discussed. The session will also outline an owner's responsibilities and liabilities where non-stamped FRP tanks are specified.


Jeff Eisenman, Engineering Manager
Maverick Applied Science
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM Design of Dual Laminate Vessels and Tanks
This session provides an overview of thermoplastic lined FRP vessel and tank design. The discussion will focus on design and construction elements that are critical to successful use of dual laminate technology. Topics include the benefits of dual laminate construction, available thermoplastic lining materials, liner bonding mechanisms, applicable liner welding technologies, applicable standards, important design considerations and several case histories.


Brian Linnemann, Engineering Manager
RL Industries, Inc.
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch in the Exhibit Hall
Lunch included in conference registration.
1:30 PM - 2:15 PM FRP Pipe and Fitting Design
Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) pipe systems are gaining market share in a wide range of chemical process piping applications. Inherent corrosion resistance to a broad range of chemical environments, ease of installation, and lower installed and life cycle cost are driving this expanded use. While FRP is rapidly moving from being an alternative material to the material of choice for these applications it remains a material unfamiliar to many end users. This presentation will review key design considerations required to ensure a successful application of FRP pipe and fittings.


Kira Townsend, Sales and Marketing Manager
RPS Composites
2:15 PM - 3:00 PM Field Fabrication
The presentation will discuss the history of large diameter FRP composite tanks and process vessels. Presentation also includes evolution and improvements in equipment and materials to produce equipment to 120 feet in diameter with quality standards to meet ASME RTP-1. The audience should gain confidence using large diameter FRP vessels in corrosion service.


Ron Perry, Product Manager, Field Tanks
Denali, Inc./Ershigs, Inc.
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM Refreshment Break
Included in conference registration.
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM Key Factors for the Inspection of FRP Equipment
Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) materials require much more than just thickness measurement when it comes to inspection. It is important to understand the composition of these materials in order to perform the proper inspection. This presentation will focus on key factors that will help in the inspection of these FRP materials. It will also cover some of the most common flaws that an inspector can find while performing inspections in FRP equipment.


Juan Bustillos, President and FRP Consultant
Bustillos & Associates, LLC
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Closing Panel Discussion
Wrap up your Symposium experience with
this moderated discussion featuring the day’s
speakers plus Geoff Clarkson, president
and chief engineer of UTComp, Inc., as well
as your questions and the corrosion-related
issues that matter most to end users.

Special Presenter:

Geoff Clarkson, President and Chief Engineer
UTComp Inc.


Terry Cowley, DuPont
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